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I could barely breath, I could hardly move as I rested on all fours on top of the mountainous leg of the blond haired Brobdingnagian. My fists where red and in pain from punching the steel hard flesh that I was forced to climb and in the end I didn't know how long I was going to last.

The ground beneath my feet began to quake as thunderous giggling fill d the sky. I looked up at the landscape which I could barely recognize as a human body. I looked at the very face that with ease had split the clouds of the Lilliputian sky's,

"Don't tell me you are tired already?" Darcy said her voice filled with lust.

I slowly stood up onto my feet, standing as straight as I could under the looming gaze of the Brobdingnagian woman.

"If I read the reports correctly then apparently you seem to demonstrate bursts of power, show me that power right now."

"I'm trying." I said still trying to regain my strength.

Dacry's eyes became sharp and forbidding as she looked down at me. "Well then you should try harder than solder." Darcy said the side of her mouth moving upwards in a smirk. "Before I am forced to try other methods."

I had a feeling I didn't want to know what those other methods where, and just by looking into Darcy's face I knew that she wasn't kidding and it was most certainly a threat.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, calming my body with every exhale. I opened my eyes quickly and without awaiting time I rushed forward, sprinting down Darcy's massive leg.

I could feel psychic power flowing through my legs, making me faster with every step, so fast in fact that the endless road of flesh that I was traversing didn't seem like much of a problem at all. Even the rigid skin belonging to Darcy's knee didn't pose much of a problem, for I was easily able to jump over. The folds of flesh that blocked my way.

As I continued to run I soon saw my target right in front of me, my target clothes in black fabric I figure that if I really wanted her to feel me then their was only one real way.

I sped up as fast as I could, trying to gather as much speed as I possible could. Honestly I might have been going 45 if not 50 miles per hour. With my target in my sights I jumped as high as I could and like a rocket I shot through the air towards Darcy's womanhood.

I looked like a superhero as I put both hands in front of my body as I flew through the air. I closed my eyes as I neared Darcy's underwear covered crotch like a missile.


like a hammer I struck Darcy's crotch with extreme force. I held back a scream as it felt like my arms where about to break from the impact. The gigantic landmass which was Darcy's womanhood felt soft and dare I say it even a little squishy like a ball of goo and yet it was durable like a wall of plastic.

My fingers where interlaced with Darcy's bikini, which was a perfect hand hold for me.


"What the hell!" I yelled as a earth shattering scream filled my ears making me want to cover my ears, but as my surroundings began to violently shake, I tighten the grip of both of my hands.

I shut both of my eyes as the screaming continued, hoping that I would still have my eardrums after this whole ordeal.

"I guess she feels me."

I pushed my face into Darcy's crotch and held on like a kid on a rollercoaster


I had dealt with many Lilliputians before, in more ways than one. I've spoken with many of them, I've carried a few hundred from point A to point B, but this was the first time that one had touched me in such a way.

I fought to control myself as my body felt a huge wave of pleasure. I had always had a potent sex drive but this was the first time that a Lilliputian was able to activate it.

My body swayed back and forth, my blond hair was thrown all over the place as I moved rapidly.

["I need to stop"] I thought to myself as I remembered my little passenger that was probably receiving the ride of his life.

With every breath I found myself getting more excited, I mean the zing I felt in my womanhood was so strong.

"AAAHHH!" I let out a small yelp as I came a little, some of my juices pushing through my panties.

I laid my back against the cold sand, and looked up at the night sky. I basked in the after glow of my ejaculation.

"Tristan!" I yelled remembering the small Lilliputian that probably drowned to death in my cum. "Tristan answer me are you ok?"


I heard no answer and deep down I was beginning to worry. Lilliputian deaths are to be expected, especially when it came to Brobdingnagians but that Lilliputian in particular was important. So important that the higher ups didn't want me to kill him,

"Tristan are you alright?" I repeated hoping for a different answer.

"I'm alright."

I could feel a huge wave of relief wash over me as I heard the voice of the tiny Lilliputian on my body.

"Thank god you worried me." I said with a little tears in my eyes.

"Are you still on my panties? I asked looking down at my crotch.

"No I'm somewhere else."

"Huh?" I felt surprise "where are you then."

"I'm on your breasts."


I wanted to throw up as my body was flung back and forth with little to no restraint. I swear one moment I was clinging to Darcy's panties, the next I once agian hear a loud scream that threatened to rip apart my body. Honestly the only reason I survived this long was because of all the technology flowing through my body, but all that tech did little to defend me when a huge wave of fluid pushed past Darcy's panties and enveloped me fully.

I couldn't breath as I lost my grip, and went siding uncontrollably. I must've done 20 back flips, as my body seemed to ascend upward instead of downward.

I tried to scream but as I soon as I opened my mouth, Darcy's pussy juices  pushed through into my mouth.


I fell down hard on a ground that was smooth and squishy. I coughed uncontrollably as I was finally freed from my liquified prison.


The loud voice of Darcy rang in my ears from up above.


I heard the worry in her voice. I kinda felt touched, I guess she did care for me, if only a little.

"I'm alright." I said as I looked up at the mountainous face that hovered above me.


I began to blush, for it was the first time that I actually started to understand where exactly I was.

"No I'm somewhere else." I said awkwardly.


"I'm on your breasts."

Just like that the ground began to rumble as two mighty eyes searched for me. It take them long to fall on me.

I would've waved up at Darcy but u could move, for her juices kept me stuck to her skin.

"Uh hi."



Man, my boy, Tristan can’t catch a break first facing a crazy but understandable old lilliputian man and boy who just got mixed up in the crazy and saw them both die, then had to face a Gullivernian to unlock his true power, and now he faces and is forced to climb a Brobdingnagian woman who could break him with her voice alone. But hey at least he was able to show her how powerful he is granted not in the most decent way hehe 😅😅😅