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The whole prison seemed to shake. The walls seemed to be cracking and honestly all this noise made it hard to sleep, heck it made it hard to even lie down in a bed.

I had heard her voice from far away, the voice of Penelope making her demands, her threats. She sounded greatly different from how she usually sounded and from all the quakes I could guess that things weren't going smoothly.

"I just hope that she didn't forget our promise." I said to myself as I huddled into the prison corner, my head down, eyes closed.

Before I could even get comfortable in my own misery and shame I heard the creaking of my prison bars. I looked up and saw the doors that were once closed, opened and the person standing on the other side was no one other than Greyson Hatchet.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said standing up.

"Getting you the hell out of here."

Greysons eyes where more steady and calm than I had ever seen them. But that seriousness changed nothing.

"Greyson do you even understand what your doing?" I asked, trying to sound as solemn as possible.

"I'm committing treason." Greyson said perturbedly.

"Even if your father is the commander of the Emerald knights, and of course one of the city leaders..."

"I won't be able to avoid punishment." Greyson quickly said.

"Why?" I asked. This kind of crime is punishable by death, so why?"

Greyson turned and began to walk through the prison, me following close behind. We both ignored the clanging of steel bars that came from the other prisoners trying to break free l. We ignore the ear piercing wails and moans, the cries for help. We simply kept walking.

"Theirs a giantess threatening to destroy the whole city." Greyson said never stopping his walk.

"Yea I know."

"Rumor is going around the whole city, that you where the one who brought her here."

For a moment my we where both quite as we walked through the prison.

"Is it true?" Greyson asked, his voice devoid of emoticon.

"Yes it is."

My voice was low. I knew that I had done something foolish and right now Greyson was going to have to pay the price.

Up ahead I saw them, the prison doors that where shut closed. Their locks where open and the two prison guards that usually stood guard where gone.

"Things must be bad." I spoke out loud.

"Yea they are."

Greyson with both hands opened both of the prison doors and when he did light came flooding in, blinding my eyes that had gotten used to the dark.

When those doors opened I no longer saw a city covered in lush planets, flowers, and long vines that where so thick and sturdy that children could swing on them, instead I saw panic. The people I was suppose to help protect, where running for their lives, rushing into their homes, or to one of the four underground bunkers.

In the distance, beyond the scared city, beyond the tall stone gate I saw her. I saw Penelope. I felt her mighty foot falls and heard her raging voice.

"You asked me why I'm busting you out?" Greyson pointed his finger at Penelope. "That's why... you brought her here, you can get her to leave."


Black smoke filled the air as fires clung the vehicles and tanks destroyed and flipped upside down.

Those who where so named the Emerald knights could only watch as a 600 foot giant and the regular outstanding man who they all knew to be the most skilled warrior in the city of Endsby, Peter Hilmington looked into each other's eyes.

Every solder knew and understood the seriousness of this event, for right here and right now would decide the fate of every man in the city of Endsby.

"Just you and me monster!" Peter yelled out as he extended his hand which appeared to be holding something small.

The click of a button reverberated through the ears of only a few solders close enough to hear it and in an instant a black javelin with glowing green lines decorating its black metal sprung to life in his hand.

A wave of startlement marched through the crowd of solders, who looked at the black javeline. They knew what that weapon was, but they never would have believed that they would see someone wielding it.

"That's a Draughtbane."

"The strongest weapon ever created."

"I didn't think I would ever see one."

"How did the Major get one.

"Are you really surprised, he is one of the strongest men in the whole city."

The men spoke amongst themselves, all with their different opinions and beliefs.

"We can't lose now right?"

"Yea I heard that a Draughtbane could take down even a giantess."

As the men talked amongst themselves a loud staticky noise went off from the small ear pieces that rested in all of their ears.


The voice of Major Peter Hilmington rung in their ears.

["This fight is going to be massive, I don't need any of you getting in my way.]

A murky gloom filled the hearts of the solders as they heard their captains commands. They all backed away and retreated believing in the majors words, all except 9 emerald knights garbed in mech suits of their very own.

"Major I can not follow that order." One of the men said as they looked at Major Hilmington."

Major Hilmington turned his head and looked at his 9 solders that stood behind him.  "I gave all of you a direct order!"

"It is an order we can't follow sir!"

"Sir you know the stress that is put on your body when you use  that weapon. You need our help."

Major Hilmington looked into the eyes of his men, he saw their determination and chuckled to himself. The grip around his weapon tightened and a huge smirk never left his face.

"Well if I'm jumping into hell, you all might as well come with me."

All 9 wore a smile on their face as they all held their vibrating green swords that could slightly pierce the  skin of a giantess.

"We'll do this together."


I looked down at the 10 solders who seemed to be in some deep conversation. Looking at all of them seemed to piss me off even more. Especially the one who had threatened Braden.

I saw him bring out a small little weapon that was so small that I wouldn't be able to use it as a toothpick.

I made a promise to not hurt anymore of these little mites, but at this point I didn't care.

With all the determination I could find from deep within my soul I brought my legs together, wishing to squeeze these annoyances with my thighs.

"I said I will kill you all, and I meant it." I said smiling.


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