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The town of Chilswell was in ruins, as buildings that once stood proudly where now decimated and destroyed beyond recognition. House crushed, people killed underneath the soles of one blond haired woman.

If one where to see this scene from up above, than they would see two massive footprints, carved deep into the earths surface.

In the middle of this chaos, two people stared at each other, one the naked woman herself who had caused all of this destruction, and the second a young boy no older than 14 years old, a boy who stood completely still in front of the woman in question as if she where a wolf beast about to pounce.

Conrad: "Ok tell me what you wasn't to ask... I'll listen.

Devourer: (Nods her head.) "I'll tell you my story and then you will give me your answer."

2 Hours Later!

A few hours had passed and Conrad didn't dare close his ears to the story being told to him, no matter how crazy it seemed.

The blond haired woman had told Conrad so much information that he could fill a whole book with the information.

She had told him about the planets that she had consumed, the planets that she had played with in the most horrid of ways. The desires that she wished sated, for billions of years, she had used innocent people to calm those desires.

Devourer: "I have crushed many planets against my breasts." (Squeezes her chest.)

Conrad stares down at the woman's breasts. He found it hard to imagine such orbs of flesh being made for such destruction.

Devourer: "I have squeezed the life out of many stars with my vagina walls. Leaving many useless planets without light, freezing to death."

Conrad: "Gulp."

Devourer: "I have destroyed all of those who would dare call themselves my enemies without fail or mercy and yet..."

Conrad: "And yet you feel guilty."

Devourer: (looks at Conrad her eyes growing softer.) "Yes... That is the problem. Now tell me how do I stop this? How do I go back to normal?"

Conrad: (Shakes his head.) "I'm not sure there is an easy answer to all of this."

The woman's body began to glow with a white light. She looked at Conrad with menacing eyes. The boy didn't flinch, for one reason or another he felt no fear as he looked into those eyes, just awe.

Conrad: "Guilt is not so easily fixed. And it certainly will not get better after a few days."

Devourer: "Why! Why am I feeling guilt in the first place?!"

Conrad: "You told me that you've destroyed many planets, and the lives that lived on them as well."

Devourer: "Yes and what about it?" (Confused.)

Conrad looked at the blond haired girl with surprise. How could a cosmic goddess be so blind.

Conrad: "Well doing such a thing can put a burden on anybodies heart." (Conrad looked down at the ground and smiled.) "My old man would always say that a man should live his life with very little regrets as possible."

Conrad looked at the woman and his smile grew wider, and warmer.

Conrad: "So my advice to you is, if you are doing something that is causing so much pain... then stop doing it."

The Devourer stared at Conrad without saying a word. Her body no longer glowed with white light, but her face held a baffled look, as if she was looking at a complete mystery.

The air began to blow feryisouly as the whole area began to become illuminated with  bright light, a light so bright that it seemed like the sun had touched the earth.

Conrad quickly turned away his eyes and covered his face from the raging wind.

Devourer: "If only it where that simple."

After a few minutes the wind went back to normal and Conrad began to open his eyes.

Conrad: "What the?" (Surprised.)

Conrad moved his head from right to left, front and behind. Tears almost fell from his eyes as he saw his town restored to normal. Vehicles drove in the road, people walked down the sidewalk, and the buildings where intact.

Conrad: “Everything’s back… thank god.”

Conrad let loose a long breath of fresh air and when he was done he had noticed that the blond haired woman had disappeared.

Conrad: (Smiles.) “I didn’t even get her name.”


She floated in the vacuum of space looking at the blue planet from afar. Her mind was in conflict as she debated with herself wether or not to devour the little world or not.

Devourer: (“I could make it quick and painless.)

Devourer stroked her blond hair trying to calm her heart beat and urges. Conrad’s words still echoed in her mind.

Devourer: “How ridiculous… A being such as myself must eat worlds to survive… theirs no other way.”

The goddess never took her eyes off of the blue world.

Devourer: (“This world has so much energy deep down in its core, it would be foolish of me to spare it.) “and yet…”

The great goddess turned her head way from the blue ball of life, and in a blink of an eye she disappeared in the great darkness of space.

She traveled at a speed faster than light, at a speed that no mortal could ever comprehend. As she moved through the spaceless realms she saw something at the corner of her eye, something crimson red.

Out of no where she appeared, her body that stopped abruptly created a sonic boom.

Devourer: “I know that you are their.”

She spoke with a menacing voice, as her both of her irises glowed slightly with power.

Devourer: “Come out now!”

Her voice created a blast of power as she yelled.

Unknown: “I could never hide from you could I sister.”

Devourer: (turns her head to the right.) “Crimson…”

I’m the void she appeared the great goddess with crimson hair. The Crimson Devourer.

Unknown: “Not just Crimson.”

Devourer: (Turns her head to the left.) “Darkness…”

The three goddess stared at each other. Both crimson and Darkness stared at their sister with a smile on their faces, while the former did nothing but glare at both of them.

Devourer: “What are the two of you doing here?”



I'm really loving this story also one question are there only three Devours crimson and darkness or are there more I just got a little confused. But still keep up the great work


Their are more, I’ll make sure to explain that during the next story.