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Laufey Titanborn stood in the middle of the great Colosseum. She who wore little to no armor on her body stood tall waiting for the one who would be her opponent.

Laufey looked all around the massive arena and smirked. "This place..." she said with

amazement. "This place is pretty well built." Laufey chuckled as she stood in stupefaction of the width of this monolith colosseum.

Very rarely did Laufey stand in a structure that could support her whole entire body and it was this structure that gave truth to all the rumors she had heard about the King of OverReach and how he was a battle maniac that loved fighting.

King Placus created this whole entire Stadium to see the most amazing battles, it was almost foolish.

Laufey looked at the little speck sized king that stood in the Imperial box, she looked at him stand his ground. "Interesting, very interesting."

10 challengers, Laufey knew that she would be fighting 10 challengers before she would fight the champ himself.

"You tiny humans better put up a descent fight!" Laufey yelled out, causing people to cover their ears.


The people of OverReach's cheers rang loud as they bore witness to something that couldn't even be considered a fight.

8 warriors stood before the great and powerful Giantess and all 8 warriors where slaughtered without mercy.

The first warrior was famed for wielding a blade crafted by the fangs of a fire dragon, a flames that flowed with ravenous flames that could even melt steel. This warrior of the fire dragons fang blade was crushed against the soles of the Giantess as if he where a tiny ant, his thick blade was crushed to pieces.

The second warrior was a up and coming adventure who Wielded a hammer that could shake the very ground, splitting apart while entire mountains with ease. This adventure of the thunder hammer was ruthlessly held in place while Laufey impelled the little warrior with her fingernail which almost split the man in half

The third warrior wore dark clothes and was as fast as the wind itself. He held in his grasp small blade like daggers, but it was his speed that seemed to give him the advantage. His form became a living blur as he sped around the giants bare soles, with his daggers he slashed at her toes countless slashes that in the end failed to draw even a drop of giant blood. Laufey with a bit of irritation leapt high into the air and with an earth shattering explosion that tore apart the ground and cracked the stone walls belonging to the Colosseum itself, her massive butt crashed into the ground.

The crowds of people continued to watch the great warrior of the giant clan execute any competitor that happened to cross her path. She swallowed them whole, she crushed them between her finger tips, she smashed them against her mighty thick thighs, or threw them against the walls of stone and watched as they turned into a red stain of liquid, she even flicked them away with her finger, Watching parts of their bodies turn to nothing from the force. The giant Laufey did all of this with a smile on her face.

The giant stood victories as 8 bodies of fallen warriors lied all around her. She would only have to face one more challenger before she would face her ultimate foe, she would fight the champion soon enough.


Laufey felt disappointed as she stared at the broken bodies of the 8 opponents she had completely killed.

The hope that she held so greatly in this competition seemed to greatly diminish.

["Two more opponents, two more and then I will simply destroy this city for wasting my time."]  Laufey thought as she waited patiently for the 9th opponent.


He walked through the stone corridor that led outside to the battle field. He knew what awaited him, he knew what he would have to fight. On his back he held a giant metal sword the size of a grown man, it was a sword that vibrated ever so slightly against his skin.

With every step the wait of his fears grew more and more, and yet this battle would only serve to test his strength.

"I swear I will surpass you." The warrior said as he walked into the light.

She was a giant like no other. She was so big that the warrior couldn't even see her face for the sunlight illuminated her visage with blinding light, and yet he knew that she was looking down at him.

She was as tall as a mountain, her hands and feet could effortlessly destroy a house, her biceps contained unimaginable power. This fight would not be easy.

The warrior chucked as sweat fell from his forehead. "So you are my opponent huh?"


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