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His name was Brenden Fawcett, he was a warrior who had fought in many battles, wielding his massive steel blade forged in the molten heart of the dwarven forges.

Brenden with blade in hand glared at the massive giant the towered over all things in the area.

Brenden looked at the colossal Titan, sweat fell from his brow as her very presence radiated a domineering power.

Brenden smirked. "This battle is going to be fun."


Laufey watched as the small little warrior walked towards her toes with a smile on her face. He was the size of a little ant to her, in fact if it wasn't for her exceptional eye sight she wouldn't even be able to see the little man's face.

"Your a brave little guy, aren't you?" Laufey said bending down, in order to get a closer look at the small warrior that would dare challenge her.

To her amusement the man did not back away in fright as he was completely enveloped in her shadow. He held on to his mighty sword, a sword that was smaller than a tooth pick to her and yet it's edge was sharp and gleamed with power.

"Do you really think that you can beat me human?" Laufey asked with a cocky smirk as she brought her face closer to the little speck of a man.

Laufey witnessed the little warriors smile grow even wider and she couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"I have to win this battle..." the man said while closing his eyes as if he where praying. "Me winning is the only way that I will achieve my goal!"

Laufey watched the man rush forwards with amazing speed. He was moving at a speed that was to fast to see for a ordinary human, but Laufey with her huge eyes could see the Human run towards her.

Laufey with a smile lifted up her right hand and with blinding speed smashed it against the ground, in hopes of crushing the small warrior.


The ground shook with amazing force as dirt and large pieces of rock where thrown into the air.

Her hand dug deep into the ground, creating a small crater. Laufey evilly smiled as the thought of another crushed human filled her very heart with joy. That smile disappeared as from the corner of her eye she saw a speeding blur.

Laufey quickly turned her head side to side, all in hopes of spotting to little mite that ran all around her massive body.

"You damn little roach!" Laufey yelled out as she stood to her full height.

Laufey felt aggravated as she looked towards the broken ground for the target that had irritated her so.

It was then that she felt a small electric tingle from the back of her neck.

Laufey quickly turned around, creating a small hurricane in her wake. She saw from a distance, a bright blue light that emanated from the small sword of the warrior.

"Take this!" The tiny man yelled as he swung his mighty sword, unleashing a massive slash of energy that raced towards Laufey herself.



Brenden Fawcett breathed hard with exhaustion as he unleashed a massive explosion of power on the giant warrior herself.

Smoke filled the air making it hard to even see and get not once did Brenden lower his guard.

It was then that Brenden heard it, a cold chill ran up his spine as he heard a chilling laughter coming from the smoky depths.

The smoke soon began to clear, and Brenden couldn't help but let lose a smile as he saw the giantess herself, standing unscathed in the middle of destruction itself.

She stared down at him from above, not moving a single inch as her eyes seemed to radiate killing intent. It was then with the shaking of her massive breast and shoulders, that the giantess began to laugh out loud.

Brenden covered his face with his left arm as a large gust of wind assaulted him and the whole area.

Brenden could see it in the raging wind that was filled with her laughter, it was a bright golden light, a light that surrounded the giants body.

He stood on guard, his blade acted as armor as he held it in front of his very body.

Brendens blood was like electricity as he felt exhilarated from the challenge that stood before him.

The grip around his sword tightened and his eyes where consumed with conviction. Brenden could fill it running all throughout his veins, energy, focused and controlled.

"AAAHHH!!!!" Brenden yelled out, unleashing a raging blue aura that roared like a fire.

His muscles expanded with power, veins appeared all over his arms and neck, and a ravenous smile appeared on his face.

Brenden wouldn't hold back and as he thought about his next move, he noticed the restless golden energy that burned in the giants eyes.

"Oh Shit!" Brenden yelled out as he jumped out of the way of a massive beam of golden light that rushed at him.

Brenden could fill the heat from the air as he barely was able to dodge the beam of arching energy that rushed passed him.


Brenden landed as gracefully as he could as he noticed the burned ground, and more so, he noticed the half destroyed walls that once belonged to the colosseum. The seats made of stone that once held many of the citizens of OverReach was now destroyed along with the people themselves. Their was nothing but destruction.

Brenden turned around and looked at the giant who's eyes burned with a golden light, and whose face showed little concern for the lives she had just destroyed. Her interest was on him and him alone.



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