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Joyous screams rang out through the mighty city of OverReach. Crowds of people shouted in euphoric celebration as they all stood in enthusiastic delight in a Colosseum miles and miles wide.

This was a dawn of Crimson Combat, a day that marked the beginning of never before seen thrills and trials. Here in this Colosseum with a width as far as the eye could see a battle would be waged, a battle like no other.

He stood in the Imperial box, he who wore royal red and yellow robes of splendiferous beauty and grandeur, as a golden crown filled with an abundant of jewels sat on his head of grey hair.

He was the king of OverReach, the Monarch of Warfare, the Sovereign of bloodshed. This man smiled as he gazed out at the masses, that shouted out his name with exhilaration. His name was King Placus and he knew that all of his citizens where here for the same reason as him to see warriors do battle.

King Placus stood motionless, bathing in the exuberant cheers of his people, and with the slow rising of his right hand, all goes quite.

"This is the day that we have all been waiting for!" The high king shouted out. "As you all should know, today we have a new challenger for this massive Arena!"

The whole area erupted in loud cheer once again.

King Placus smiled for he also held such excitement. "This new challenger is a member of one of the three mighty clans, The giant clan,  and she has come looking to fight our most favorite champion!" The great king could hear the loud cheers slowly turn into giggling. "I know folks, I know, but let's not count our giant friend out just yet, for she will have to fight a total of 10 challengers until she can fight the champ himself. ARE YOU READY?!"

The crowds of people went wild with loud applause. They would be able to see a member of the giant clan do battle. This rarity had to be enjoyed.

"Boom... Boom..! Boom.!! Boom!!!"

The loud roars of the crowd soon died down as all could feel the thundering vibrations all throughout the stone Colosseum floor.

King Placus smile never vanished, it only grew wider as his entertainment grew near. "Here she comes, she who is called the strongest giant."


Laufey Titanborn walked through the city of OverReach. She towered over the countless buildings with ease, the highest barely reaching the top of her toes.

She trodded through the lower town, her bare soles smashing the small houses into dust, and causing the ground to split apart with a thunderous crack.

Laufey continued walking, not once did she look down, not once did she give words of apology. She only had one goal, one desire, and as she looked at the Colosseum from afar she smiled for her goal would soon be reached.


To the people of overreach that stood in the like wide colosseum, she was like an unmeasurable mountain of female flesh. Not many had ever seen one belonging to the giant clan and for those who had, they had never known that a giant could grow so big.

The people of overreach muttered amongst themselves in total disbelief as the mountainous monolith walked towards the arena with booming footsteps.

"How could any thing be so big?"

"Members of the giant clan are average around 16-50 ft tall..."

"Yea even the largest they can grow should be around 100ft at the most."

"The taller they are, the more pure their blood line is to the the first ancient giants."

"I-if t-that's true than that monsters blood must be the most pure."

"The walls of this Colosseum are around 615 ft tall, she's a few inches bigger."

"Yea she looks to be around 620 feet on average."

"Do you think that the champ will be able to fight something so big?"

"Who knows? Either way we should probably get out of the way."

"Yea she's coming!!!"

The citizens of OverReach backed away with fright as the giantess closed the mile long distance with only a few steps. Her head eclipsing the very edge of the colosseum walls, which left many people wondering, how was she going to enter the arena.

The giant warrior maiden stood beside the towering stone walls for what seemed like an eternity, her eyes to the little people below where dark and cold, as if she where looking at insects that where barely worth her time.

"BOOM!" A loud explosion shook the whole stadium as mighty fingers took hold of the hard stone walls, cracking the very stones.

The people eyes open wide with terror as a certain realization came to all of them.

""She's climbing over.""


Laufey Titanborn made her way over the stone walls that guarded the colosseum. Her body rolled against the small stone seats that where made to host such tiny people. Laufey cursed as she felt the brittle stone give way.

She couldn't believe she was here, in this city of man. All of her life she had traveled the world looking for a strong opponent. She had done many things to prove her strength, things considered foolish and idiotic even when it came to her own kind.

She had trampled down the highest Rocky Mountains that stood in the northern plateau destroying the mountain high villages with massive earthquakes and rockslides, she had drank the seemingly endless lakes of the green valley, swallowing ships that hoisted fishermen and countless solders as well as drowning a dozen towns in tidal waves of water she spat out, she bathed in molten hot lava from the volcanos of magma valley that hosted such hot temperatures that only fire dragons would ever be able to survive. She had done all of this and so much more to challenge herself and yet with her thick giant skin, she had always found herself board.

She remembered her time in the whispering woods, the words of the tiny old man who came to her with an interesting offer rang loud in her mind.

["He talked about a tournament, about a undefeated warrior that resided in this city.] laufey thought to herself as she looked down at the little mites that scurried away from her fingers. ["Is their really a warrior who can challenge me in this useless city? If that old man deceived me than I swear I will track him down and swallow him whole."]

She stood tall in the middle of the colosseum, her massive fists clenched and a smirk on her face as her eyes fell on the king of this weak nation.

"Let's get this over with."


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