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I ran through a field of falling meteors. These meteors where black boots that each produced powerful shockwaves as they made contact with the ground. The world seemed to shake as I struggled to maintain my footing. Looking up I could see a giant face dawning a smile most cruel, and seeing such a thing allowed me to come to one realization. The Gulliverian who was attacking me, if she wanted she could have killed me any time she wanted. That smile made everything clear, all of this truly was a game to her.

I continued to run with all my might and as I made my way through the stone hard floor of Ms. Saxons home my whole body was battered with unimaginable force.

"Aaaahhhh!" I yelled as a vicious force assaulted my back, throwing me into the air.

"Shit!" I yelled as I hit the ground rolling. I could barely stand as my body was jam packed with bruises. As I tried to stand I could fill my bones cracking as if they had reached their limit. Ever since I had arrived in this place I barely had a chance to rest.

"Oh what's wrong little man, are you really at your limit?"

I agonizingly look up and see Ms. Saxon with her hands on her knees, bending over me smirking.

["Damn she's beautiful."] I thought to myself as Ms. Saxon reached towards me with her mighty fingers. Her deep brown eyes never left my diminutive form. Both of my arms where pulled so hard that I thought that they where going to be pulled out of their sockets as my arms where held in between steel hard flesh.

Without care I was dragged from off the ground and dangled up towards Ms. Saxons face. Their I was met with an all to familiar sight. Ms. Saxons giant face rested before me, a face unyielding and without sympathy. I looked at this woman's face and my thoughts drifted towards my childhood friend Grace. All the times she had held me in her hands, every time she had walked close to me, heck every time she had breathed, she was holding back. I truly believed that it truly was incredible.

Ms. Saxon slowly opens her mouth and let's out a huge slimy tongue that proceeded to slide up and down my body."Did you know that Lilliputians where considered a delicacy back in the past." Ms. Saxon says amid a dozen licks.

My body was soon drenched in sticky saliva and the faint smell of roasted meat

filled my nostrils. ["This is so nasty!"] I thought to myself as I shook the drool out of my eyes.

"Hmmm. You are pretty delicious for a little insect." Ms. Saxon says licking her lips. "Tell me Maggot is that really all you have?"

Looking into the eyes of my tormentor, I could feel it from deep within, stirring like a raging volcano, all of my rage and fury.

"No, I'm not done..."


Breonia held Tristan between her fingers. She had licked his body all over, completely making him wet with her spit. Breonia could see the fear in Tristans eyes and for once she no longer felt Pride or even joy. She found herself asking ["Is this really worth it?"]

Tristan didn't taste all that good and Breonia couldn't understand why her Gulliverian ancestors ate Lilliputians at all. It all just seemed to barbaric, and yet their was still a reason for this madness. She needed to see the full extent of Tristans power. She needed a reason for being here, she needed this tiny little man to be more than what he seemed.

"Hmmm. You are pretty delicious for a little maggot. Tell me Maggot is that really all you have?" Breonia asks with intimidation as she looked at the tiny Lilliputian struggling between her fingers.

All had gone quite as Breonia looked at the Lilliputian in her grasp. The Lilliputian who's eyes had gone dark and whose body was limp said no words.

And then it happened, an aura of blue light appeared, a light that covered Tristans body. "Huh? What's happening?" Breonia asked as she gazed down at the Lilliputian in her grasp.

Breonia could fill it, ever growing psychic power. "No, I'm not done..."

["What is this?]


I could feel deep down from within my very chest, a burning power that seemed to want nothing but to incinerate me. This power, this pressure seemed to continue to build until I could do nothing but yell out in pain.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I clench my eyes close and yell out like never before and as I did my whole body shined like a blazing sun. Amongst my throat destroying screams I could hear a loud "BOOM" that seemed to shake the very air itself.

From within I could feel every cell in my body tingle with power. "What's happening to me!?" I yelled out.

Both of my arms where still bound in a fleshy prison and as I opened my eyes and looked at the giant face of Ms. Saxon I could see her looking at me with fear, which was a good change from her looks of enjoyment that she wore when she tortured me. Ms. Saxon covered her face with her left hand as wild wind bashed against her face. The wind was so strong that it could easily shred any Lilliputian that came in contact with it.

"Ahhhh!!!!" I yelled as the power inside once again surged uncontrollably and as I screamed out an unimaginable force slammed against Ms. Saxon, freeing me from her grasp and throwing her to the ground. Her fall was so hard that her very body created a shockwave of power.

My body hovered in mid air as fierce currents of energy lashed out in all directions like a whip, splitting the ground, carving up the walls and even throwing gigantic furniture with ease. It was obvious that whatever this energy was, it was out of control.

"P-please stop t-this!"


Breonia had been thrown to the ground and still even when her back and butt was hurting, even as she stared at the same man she had regarded as an insect, she couldn't believe that this same Lilliputian man was able to willed such power.

"This psychic power is unbelievable..." Breonia says with shock as waves of power crashed into her body.

Breonia looked at the Lilliputian solder who was levitating at her chest level. "His power, it's still growing." Breonia said as the ground beneath her feet began to rumble ever so slightly.

Breonia stands up and slowly walks towards Tristan, she could feel a repelling force pushing past her as she moved closer.

"This doesn't look good."


I stood in the the epicenter of this surging blue energy and as I did I could feel all of my bruises begin to heal as if by magic.

"Dammit!" I yelled as I grab my head, which ached with unusual pain.


I look around in surprise as I hear a voice inside my head. "What was that?" I ask as the pain in my head grew only more painful.

I grab my head with both of my hands as images flash from within my mind. I had gone through this once before, when I had seen the destruction of Lillisprings, but this time it seemed different.

From within my head I saw a little boy who seemed to be standing in the middle of a classroom. The boy wore a plan white shirt and black shorts. The boy had bandages all over his body and seemed to be enraged as fellow children and a few adults backed away from him in fear. The most surprising fact about this boy was how he was surrounded by floating objects, like pencils, desks, and dry erasers.

["Im not a monster, I'm not!"] The boy yelled with fury.

"That kid..." I said barley able to find the words to speak.

"That kids me"


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