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Shocked and in pain my very body defied gravity as my head was loaded with images unknown to me. What I witnessed was a young 6 year old boy who stood in the middle of an elementary classroom. Pure rage adorned the boys face as desks, pencils, and chairs levitated  around the room tumultuously. That boy, that small child was me.

I was crying and furious and through my memories I felt the horrible sense of betrayal that fueled my younger selves actions. "But why?"

The teachers and students looked at me with fear, none dared to come close to a young boy so driven with anger and power.

One of the teachers trembled in fear as she knelt down beside a young boy who's head was bleeding. ["Oh Tristan what did you do?"]

The younger me looked so unsympathetic as he looked down at the young child he had hurt so badly. ["Its not my fault! He deserved what he got!"]

The blueish glow grew more intense around the young boy and more than objects were lifted off the ground in rapid succession.

The classroom was filled with screams as the unexplainable was happening right before the eyes of so many people.

["What's happening?!"]

["Is the classroom haunted?!"]

["No t-this is Tristan doing!"]

["What is he?!"]

["He's a monster!"]

Hearing this my younger self shook with rage. With clenched teeth and fists endowed with choleric power the boy screamed out. ["Im, I'm not a monster!]

My head was screaming in pain and soon the vision of the little boy standing in the classroom shifted and  I saw the same little boy standing along side a man I didn't recognize at all.

The man in question had short brown hair and deep brown eyes. His face was hard and chiseled like he had seen many things that could break an ordinary man with ease. Honestly the man almost looked like an unshaven bum, and yet even now while seeing him in my head, his face seemed to calm me down.

The man on bended knee looks my younger self in the eyes. ["Tristan you hurt those people."]

["They deserved it... They called me a monster.]

My younger self couldn't even look the man in the eyes.

["Listen Tristan I know that it is hard being different and I know that those kids hurt your feelings always remember who you are."]

["Who I am?"]

["Yes your a hero right?"] The man smiled as he lifted my younger self up with his arms.

The anger soon faded from the young boys eyes  as his mouth quivered with sadness. ["You mean you don't think that I'm a monster?"]

The strange man smiled upon hearing this question. ["No Tristan, I don't think that you are a monster, remember no matter what happens you will always be my hero, ok?"]

The young boy smiled and wipes his eyes with his sleeves. [Yea.]

["Thanks dad."]


My eyes opened and my breathing was erratic.

"What did I just see?" I asked trying to rap my head around my strange visions.

"That was me when I was a kid, why was I wielding these powers, and most importantly why did I call that man my dad?"

My whole world seemed to be crashing down and for a moment I felt like I was going insane and yet throughout all of these feeling I finally able to spot my messed up surroundings. The ground and the stone walls where cracked, the Gulliverian sized furniture was thrown everywhere. It looked like a hurricane had been unleashed in the whole place.

"Huh?" I said as I noticed the strangeness of the ground beneath me, which was soft and squishy like putty.  I looked down and what I saw made my whole face red like a tomato.

At that moment I was sitting on top of the giant  left boob of Ms. Saxon herself. Ms. Saxon seemed to be unconscious and her face contained small cuts and bruises.

"Did I do this?" I asked standing on top of boob mountain. It was hard to stand straight as both of my feet where enveloped in giant boob flesh and yet I made it work.

As I looked at the unconscious Gulliverian I honestly didn't know how to feel. I mean this was the same woman who tried to kill me right? So should I really feel bad for her, for getting what she deserved.

The fleshy ground beneath my feet began to rumble as Ms. Saxon began to stir. Soon her movements became to erratic and I was forced onto my hands and knees. I stayed low and I held onto dear life as my hands grabbed ahold of long pieces of clothing.

"She waking up." I was a little worried because I didn't know how this giant woman would react upon seeing a little person on her tit. I prayed that she would be merciful.


I slowly opened my eyes and finally in full conscious thought I quickly sit up.  "What happened!" I looked around in panic looking for some kind of explanation.

My memories where scrambled and my head hurt like I had been punched repeatedly in the face, my eyes burned as if I had been looking nonstop at the sun itself and upon my body were a dozen scratches that hurt like hell. This truly was ridiculous.

Soon one realization struck me like lightning. "Where's Tristan?"

I looked all throughout the floor, hoping that I hadn't hurt the little guy.

It was than that I felt something tugging at my chest.

"Ms. Saxon down here."

I heard a small voice that almost sounded more like a little squeak that the voice of an actual person, and looking down at my chest everything became more clear.

The small Lilliputian was clinging to my chest or to be more precise my nipple. I began to uncontrollably shake as embarrassment took over. The little thing swung back and forth, this only caused the little guy to cling harder. This was the first time someone had groped me in such a way and I really wanted to crush the little squirt.


Ms. Saxon was looking down at me with a face that revealed that she was in deep contemplation. I held onto dear life to the giant nipple sheathed in clothing. I would've been having the time of my life if I wasn't dangling off a cliff.

Ms. Saxon was looking at me with trembling eyes, she was so going to crush me. "Tristan are you ok?"

"Huh?" I was surprised to hear words of concern from my tormentor. "Uh yes I'm ok but a little help if you would please."

Ms. Saxon brings her right hand underneath my feet like a platform and I was happy to be able to release my hold of Ms. Saxons chest.

While safe in her hands Ms. Saxon brings me up to her face and stands up ever so slowly. "I'll ask you one more time Tristan, are you ok, anything broken?" Ms. Saxon brings me closer to her face, her eye was only a few inches away from me."

"Yes I'm ok but..."

"But what?" Ms. Saxon asked.

"It's nothing, you just never called me by my name before."

Ms. Saxons blinked a few times as she realized my words. "What are you talking about Maggot, are you saying I'm growing soft?" Ms. Saxon says in embarrassment.

"No, no that's not it."

"Knock, knock, knock."

Me and Ms.Saxon stop talking as we hear a knock at the front door.

"Who could that be?" Ms. Saxon asks as she walks towards the door.

I was pretty confused as well, I mean we were out in the middle of the desert after all who would be visiting us from all the way out here?

Ms. Saxon slowly opens the door. She acted like an enemy was at the door as she placed me on her right shoulder.

The door slowly opened and what I saw almost was strong enough to knock me off of Ms. Saxons shoulder.



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