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Breonia Saxon was a 26 year old Gulliverian woman who for the majority of her life worked for the United military, defending the world from terrorist threats. She was an expert when it came to her craft, her craft being espionage, hacking, and even assassination when necessary. All of these jobs proved her loyalty towards the UM and in time made her a Level 9 Silver rank solider, giving her respect and honor all throughout her life and yet for some reason she was ordered to train this Lilliputian man who stood Gazing up at her in fear, only one word came to mind. "Pathetic."

Breonia knew why the organization chose her for this annoying task, and in truth she didn't blame them entirely for their Decision, after all when it came to Psychic power she was the greatest expert, after all she had psychic powers of her own.


Never before in my life did I think that I would ever be in this situation. What situation you ask? Oh, the situation where I found myself looking up at a psychotic gulliverian woman who obviously wanted me dead. How do I know you ask? Oh get this, this giant bitch gave me the most fun task ever, it was pretty simple now that I think about it. The task was simply to survive. Ha! Funny right? HELL NO!!! This was an impossible task especially if the one I had to survive against was Ms. Saxon herself, for another simply reason, that reason being no Lilliputian could survive against a Gulliverian, not without help.

I take a few steps back, sweating through my clothes.

"What do you mean survive?" I ask, hoping that my speculation was false.

With a small chuckle Ms. Saxon lifts up her massive boot right over my head. The dirt and sand stuck to the bottom of her massive soles fell onto my face. I was left asking myself a single question. "Am I going to die?"

I stood unmoving, looking up at a ceiling of black leather. My body shook with fear and before I could even react the ceiling that symbolized my doom began to descend at an alarming speed. I close my eyes, awaiting the end to come, for my body to be assaulted by unyielding pressure.


I found my whole entire body in the air, tossing and turning as if I where some kind of rag doll. The air itself had stolen the very oxygen from my lungs as the sound of a huge explosion assaulted my ear drums, it took a few minutes for me to realize that, that so called explosion was a sonic boom. My body hits the ground hard, rolling with great force. Lying on the ground I look up to see Ms. Saxons boot that rested on the ground a few inches from where I was standing before. Her stomping, I was sent flying just from her stomping her foot.

While lying on the ground I could feel something dripping from both of my ears and as I whipped the mysterious liquid that slide along my cheek, I realized that the liquid on my finger tips was actually blood. It was then that I realized that this wasn't a game, and she really was after my life.

I look up at the gulliverian sociopath and I could see a  weird sense of pride in her eyes as if what she had just did was some great achievement.

"Now do you understand Maggot?" Ms. Saxon asked with a smile I couldn't recognize.

"Your test is to Survive like a proper solder out in the field with nothing but you and your skills at your disposal." Ms. Saxon steps forward. "Oh thats right. Your not a proper solder now are you?." Ms. Saxon giggles. "Yes your nothing but a small little scout that is way out of his own league."

"Ok that hurt." I thought to myself as I slowly stood onto my feet.

Ms. Saxon once again began to walk towards me and just like before her massive legs stood like pillars as she toward over me. Her eyes completely unkind.

Looking down on me from above Ms. Saxon stood with her arms crossed. My judge, jury, and executioner.

"Now little man survive."


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