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I stood on a table of glass, looking at my Supposed hostess devour a hamburger dozens of feet tall, filled with meat big enough that it could feed a countless number of Lilliputians for weeks to come. All of this food found itself inside the maw of this Gulliverian woman who in turn ate with a quite satisfaction as she stared at me from up above. My stomach growled as my nostrils where filled with the amazing scent of roasted meet and fresh lettuce. My body was obviously demanding sustenance and yet their was only one problem, the only way I could obtain that sustenance was to use my abilities and get it myself, simple right? HELL NO!!!


"You'd better hurry up maggot, it's almost gone." Ms. Saxon said in between the large bits of food in her mouth. "If you do not succeed in this task than you will go hungry tonight."

Ms. Saxon spoke with harsh words and the truth was that I doubted none of it. This woman apparently held some kind of grudge against me for reasons unknown. She would be happier to let me rot away and die. It was to bad that I had no intents on just rolling over like a dog and dying, well I say that but the truth was I didn't have any idea on what I was supposed to do.

I look at both of my hands, expecting something to magically happen and yet nothing did, they where just normal hands and I was just an ordinary person, right?

"You seem to be having trouble maggot."

I look up into the face of my tormentor and see someone so utterly bored of my whole situation. "Lilliputian's truly are weak and pitiful creatures. To the very extent, that you would doubt your own powers and capabilities, truly pathetic."

At that moment I couldn't help but wonder was I really doubting myself, everyone kept on saying that I had some kind of special Power and their was even a time where I bore witness to this strange force and yet it was still hard to believe.

"If you can't believe in yourself little man, than maybe me eating you will raise your confidence a little." Ms. Saxon threatened.

"What?!" I yelled in horror, questioning my ears that had heard something insane.

Ms. Saxon brings her face down and hovers her lips right before me, washing me in a whole wave of hamburger breath that did nothing but make me more hungry.

"I said that I was going to eat you..." she made it sound so simple, as if eating a living person was so natural. I mean did these crazy woman forget that eating Lilliputians was against the law or was she actually crazy? "Do it and do it now, if you can't do a simple task like this than their is no place for you here... Someone that is weak deserves nothing but to be the food of the strong." Ms. Saxon said with a smile as she licked her lips.

Sweat fell from my brow as I realize that my window of opportunity was closing. Whatever I was going to do, I had to do it now.

I take a deep breath and extend both of my hands, pointing them both at the monolithic food that rested in The giant hands of Ms. Saxon herself. I do my best to clear my mind as I direct my will towards my target.

["Come here!"] I close my eyes and think like I've never thought before as sweat streams down my forehead, and my muscles tense up with as much force as I could muster and to my surprise I felt something small bump against my forehead. I open my eyes and see a large piece of meat the size of my hand lying on the glass table.

Tears flowed from my eyes as I bend over and pick up the small piece of food. Joy began to fill my battered body, as my hands shook uncontrollably as if I was holding gold instead of roasted meat.

"I did it!!!" I yell with joy as I feast upon the food that I had attained. It didn't take long for that food to disappear inside my belly. What could I say, I was hungry.

The look on Ms. Saxons face was a mix of annoyance and shock. I would've laughed my ass off if I wasn't afraid of what Ms. Saxon would do to me. It was obvious that she didn't expect me to succeed. Her eyes remained focused on me as she stuck the last piece of hamburger meat into her mouth and swallow.

"You shout out with joy for something so trivial and meaningless. Well don't get ahead of yourself little man, I could do something like that when I was nothing more than a child." I once again bore witness to a demeaning smile accompanied by belittling words. No, No I was not going to let her ruin my mood, this was my victory.

While thinking such things my body was grabbed before I could even react. I know, I know this shit is happening a lot. I was lifted off the glass table as tight gigantic flesh imprisoned me, not allowing me to move an inch. I came face to face with Ms. Saxon, her face eclipsing me in shadow.

"You have passed the first test maggot and now that your belly is full, we can go on to the second test.

["Oh not again."]

Ms. Saxon slowly bends over and without care drops me onto the hard floor. I fall on my ass and look up at the Gulliverian who in turn towars over me, her very being radiating power and confidence.

"The second test is simple... all you have to do is survive."

My eyes open with fear. "What?"


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