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I stood before a door of unimaginable scale, amongst a desert of    uncontrollable heat. This giant place of metal walls and security cameras was supposed to be my new home? How could it when I couldn't even open the door?

Breonia Saxon was a level 9 Silver Class Solder and apparently my new teacher that was meant to instruct me on the new abilities my body had awakened. It frightened me, not living in the middle of a desert nor even the abilities that I knew nothing about, no what frightened me was living with a Gulliverian woman who could only look at me as if I was a unimportant bug. I mean I saw the hateful glance she gave me as she stepped over me and opened the gigantic door leading to the inside of her house.

I followed behind, not willing to believe that Ms. Saxon would hold the gigantic door open for me for long and as I passed the threshold of Ms. Saxon's home My face covered in sweat was touched by a fresh wave of cool air.

"Air conditioning?" I ask feeling the cool air all around me.

What stood before me wasn't what I had expected, what I saw was a brown Gulliverian sized couch that stood before a small Gulliverian sized table as well as a giant sized flatscreen TV. This place didn't look like a secret base at all, instead it looked like an actual house.


Before I could react a loud shockwave of force and power throws me off my feet from behind sending me rolling on the hard stone floor.

I lift myself off the ground, my bones aching from exhaustion and pain. I lift my head and see a giant hand on the ground. Ms. Saxon was once again bent over me, her face enveloped in shadow, which made her even scarier. "Rule number one maggot don't ever let your guard down." Ms. Saxon whispered as she brought her face closer to my battered body. "Stand on your feet Maggot." Ms. Saxon commands with no sympathy.

I slowly stand on my feet, I could feel my a blood vessel about to pop from the anger that was flowing through my body. I salute as I look into the giant face right before me. "Yes Ma'am!"

Ms. Saxon smirks as she looks at me. "Submissions a good thing maggot, now answer me are you hungry?"

Looking at Ms. Saxon I couldn't tell if she was serious or if she was luring me into a false sense of security. I mean I was hungry but Ms. Saxon didn't seem like the type to offer me food. I could feel my stomach growl as I thought about all of my favorite foods. "Uh yes ma'am." I say still quite confused and on guard.

Ms. Saxon smile grows wider as she without my consent grabs me with her right hand, encasing me in her hand flesh that surprisingly smelled like flowers and small amounts of gun powder. I look up into Ms. Saxons face as she raises me off the ground. I wanted to demand that she put me down, I wanted to ask why she was doing all of this in the first place, but I couldn't, Ms. Saxon was squeezing me too tight, my lungs felt like they were going to burst.

"Whats wrong maggot a little to tight?" Ms. Saxon asks with an innocent look on her face, that told me that she knew what exactly what she was doing. "Let me tell you this maggot I have been authorized to do whatever I deem necessary as long as my actions do not lead to your death."

Once again I found myself not liking what this gigantic bitch was saying as she carried me into her kitchen and placed me on her glass kitchen table. I could feel her booming footsteps as she walked into the kitchen. I could feel the whole kitchen heat up as Ms. Saxon turned on the stove and it didn't take long for me to smell the delicious smell of burning meat. My mouth began to drool from the hunger.

A few minutes had passed and I had found myself standing in front of the biggest hamburger I had ever seen. A Lilliputian like me could live off such giant food for days without having to fear starvation. Ms. Saxon sits down at the table towering over me and the hamburger, and usually I keep my eye solely on her, but what could I say I was to hungry.

I walk towards the hamburger that stood before me in all its splendor. I reached out my hand ready to grab a hot piece of  meat but before my hand could even touch that deliciousness Ms. Saxon carried it beyond my reach.

Ms. Saxon while looking at me brings the hamburger up to her mouth and takes a huge bite, chewing the food with teeth powerful enough to bite me in half. "You want to eat maggot..." Ms. Saxon asked the obvious as my stomach growled.

"You want to eat? Then your first test can begin."

"Uh Oh." I thought to myself as a chill ran up my spine.

"Your first task is to use your powers to grab a piece of food from my very hands before I finish all of it." Ms. Saxon explains as she takes another huge bite of the hamburger.

"I'm never going to eat am I?"


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