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It was days such as these when I realize that I really couldn't catch a break. Here in this blazing desert I stood before a gulliverian woman who didn't look like she herself was the friendliest giant in the world. It if course went without saying I was very afraid.

"So you are the little maggot I'm suppose to train?" The Gulliverian said towering over me from above.

I look down, not being able to meet the gaze of my giant superior. "Yes Ma'am."

"Speak louder Maggot!" The Gulliverian shouts, her voice causing a huge wave of force to knock me off of my feet, making me roll against the hot sand.

I quickly stand on my feet and salute. "Yes Ma'am!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

The Gulliverian says nothing as she stared down at me, her face stern and unkind, if I didn't know any better it seemed that she was holding some kind of personal grudge against me, that wouldn't be good for my Health.

The Gulliverian to my surprise begins squat down, bringing her face closer to me . Being so close I could see that this giant woman, even though scary, was very beautiful. Her skin was pure white and had no blemishes or imperfections, her black hair was nicely combed and well taken care of, and even though she was sweating from the hot air, she smelled pretty nice. Her giant brown eyes focused heavily on my diminutive form and I couldn't help but wonder what this giant was thinking about.

"What is your name and rank Maggot?" The Gulliverian asks her breath washing over me.

I continuing to salute as I explained... "Level 1 Bronze Class Solder, Tristan Alderman reporting for duty Ma'am!"

After hearing my little introduction the gulliverians face began to ever so slightly twitch with annoyance as if she was looking at a bug that had dared to Offend its better. "Of course this is what they send me, a newbie who hasn't even gotten his feet wet."

Ok I was beginning to get annoyed. I thought to myself, not daring to mention my rising temper.

The Gulliverian stands up to her full height, her head almost completely eclipsed my her boobs. "My name is Breonia Saxon, I'm a level 9 Silver Rank solder, and from this moment onward you maggot are under my command." The Gulliverian said with no respect evident in her voice.

"Yes Ma'am!" I yelled, not even thinking about arguing or complaining how this giant Bitch was refusing to call me by my actual name, I guess maggot was going to have to do.

Ms. Saxon bends over, giving me a better View of her face. "Tell me Maggot, do you know why your here."

"I have some kind of strange power, and I was told that you would help me better understand my abilities ma'am!" I say thinking about how I found myself in this current situation.

"Good you are well informed Maggot." Ms. Saxon says with a smile.

"Oh my god did she just give me a Complement." I thought totally shocked.

"Listen up Maggot, my job is simply to monitor and train you."

I honestly didn't like the sound of any of that.

"Let me just make myself clear, I could care less about your power, I don't care about keeping an eye on you or even training you, and you can sure as hell believe me when I say that I don't care wether or not you live or die." Ms. Saxon explained with words that made it clear I couldn't drop my guard for even a second.

Ms. Saxon let's out a long sigh as she turns away from me and stared into the distance. "But lucky you I have my orders so I will train you."

Hearing Ms. Saxons words I stand tall and salute. "Thank you ma'am!" I yell trying to show my gratitude.

Ms. Saxon turns and looks with confusion down at me as if the very concept of gratitude was a foreign concept to her, but a sudden chill ran up my spine as I watched a creepy ass smile appear on Ms. Saxons face.

Ms Saxon takes a few massive steps away from me. "Don't thank me just yet Maggot, your training will be hell, and guess what it has just begun."

"What?" I say in confusion.

Ms. Saxon let's out a little giggle, which I hate to admit, I thought was a little cute. "I live a couple miles away from her maggot, and just so you know I'm not Caring you."

I began to sweat more profusely than I already was. "So that mean you want me to walk ma'am?" I ask with a little hope in my voice.

Ms. Saxon looks at me as if I had said something stupid. "Walk? Come on Maggot I had hoped that you where smart."

"What does that mean?" I thought.

"Do you think those tiny little legs of yours can keep up with me just by walking?"

My eyes open wide as I realize where exactly she was going with this. "Uh oh."

"You will run maggot and make sure you keep up because i'm not going to slow down my pace for your sorry ass." Ms. Saxon begins to walk away as I continue to stand in complete utter shock.

"Ms. Saxon please wait for me!" I yell breaking away from my shock and confusion, running after the Tyrant that called herself my teacher.


"Congratulations maggot you actual made it to my home." Ms. Saxon says as she stands over me who was on all fours breathing hard.

Never before had I ever run so long and so far. My body had been constantly beat by the hot environment, my lungs felt like they where on fire, and my bones and muscles aced as if they hadn't rested in a thousand years. Honestly the fact that I was still conscious was amazing and yet the look that and Ms. Saxon was giving me told me otherwise. She looked as if running five miles in a blazing hot dessert should be completely easy and normal.

My so called teacher was smiling down at me with a cocky smile, she was completely loving my pain. "Don't you rest on your L'Oréals maggot, the days not over and the training as just begun.

I began to shiver uncontrollably as fear gripped my heart, I knew that I was so going to die, slowly and painfully.

"Welcome maggot, welcome to my home." Ms Saxon said stepping aside so that ice could see.

What I saw wasn't something that could be called a house, instead of wooden walls I saw walls of metal and steel, instead of a chimney I say security cameras instead of a lovely grassy yard I saw miles and miles of sand, this was no house, this was an old (UM) Gulliverian sized bunker, and this place that stood in the middle of a complete waist land was going to be my home for quite awhile.

I rub the sweat from my brow.

"God help me."


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