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In her very presence was the fallen ruble of countless battleships accompanied by microscopic sized lifeless bodies, ice cold from the empty vacuum of space.

Devourer: "They brought this on themselves."

The Devourer spoke with words strong enough to rupture the core of a whole entire world as she contemplated her previous actions.

Solar raze of cosmic stars bathed her skin in light as her massive eyes fell on the azure planet from afar. She wished to see him, the boy who she had met earlier, the boy belonging to the planet so filled with life nourishing energy.

The Devourer closed her mind to the death and destruction that had surrounded her and concentrated. The energy surrounding her very being began to collapse and take a smaller more vulnerable form. She would visit the tiny man again and she would use her avatar to do so.


The sun rose over the tree covered hills, spraying the lush green fields with light and warmth. It was at this moment when the morning dew held tight to the green leaves and to the glass covered windows that Conrad began to stir from his bed.

Sitting on his bed Conrad awoke with half closed eyes as his body struggled to stay awake. Conrad had found himself up late last night being yelled at by his mother. Spending time with his friends from school seemed long a distant memory.

Conrad: "Grounded again. This is the third time this month." (Scratch's head.)

Conrad hated his rotten luck and as he got out of bed and started to get dressed for the coming day. He hated that he wouldn't be able to spend time with his friends and yet their was something else that had occupied his mind. Conrad couldn't help but remember the naked woman he had met last night.

Conrad: (Blush.) "What was that woman's deal? She seemed to be troubled."

Conrad picked up his backpack and walked into the dining room of his house. His mother and father where out doing their daily errands at the moment leaving him completely alone in his house and yet he would have no time to enjoy the peace and quite, for school was calling and Conrad would find himself leaving the comfort of his own home.

Conrad: ["Whoever that girl was, I just hope she's ok."]

Conrad grabs a small banana from the kitchen counter and stands in front of the door.

Conrad: (Smiles.) "well it's not like I'm going to see her again."

Conrad had settled his mind on the one person he believed he would never see again. He did not give her another thought as he opened his front door.

Conrad's face was covered in the early raze of the morning sun and his eyes burned as they struggled to adapt to the coming morning. It was at this moment that Conrad stood in the middle of his doorway, shocked.

Conrad: (surprised.) "Why are you here?"



She is the crimson Beast of the Black dawn, the red laughter of destruction, the red void, she is the Crimson Devour and she looked out into the cosmos with a smile on her face as her massive rear sat on a desolate moon and her toes bathed in the hot molten magma of a dying world.

Crimson Devourer: "I know that you are their."

The Void rippled and space itself seemed to expand outwards as a monolithic heavenly body emerged from the darkness.

She appeared in all of her glory. She who had blazing blue eyes and long hair the color of the darkest night. She is the devourer of the gloom, the Eclipse in the void, the black star of the cosmos. She was the Darkness Devourer.

Darkness Devourer: "Oh my did I make myself to obvious?"

Crimson Devourer: "Oh please... Elder sister I can always feel your cold presence."

Darkness Devourer: (Giggles.) "Am I really so cold, are you sure your not feeling the void all around us."

Crimson Devourer: "HA! Who are you kidding elder sister? Your presence alone makes the cold vacuum of space feel like nothing.

The dark Goddess brings her face ever closer to the blazing planet being assaulted by a monstrous pair of feet and smiles as she gazed upon the fiery death of millions of insignificant microscopic beings.

Darkness Devourer: (Smiles.) "Must you be so cruel sister?"

Crimson Devourer: (Laughs out loud causing space to shake.)  "What can I say it's just fun to tease these little things, don't you agree?"

Darkness Devourer: (Looks at her sister.) "My oh my... yes I do."

Both cosmic Goddesses shared a laugh of joy as they reminisced on the suffering they both caused over the countless years of their lives.

Darkness Devourer: "Tell me sister have you noticed the lack of chaos and destruction in Galaxy 4444.5556773648?"

Crimson Devourer: "That Galaxy belongs to the little runt doesn't it?"

Darkness Devourer: "Indeed it does. The little one was so disruptive and filled with more hunger than any devourer and yet..."

Crimson Devourer: "And yet all has gone quite. Strange very strange."

The goddess of the red dawn began to glow a devilish red as space itself began to crack and tear apart.


An explosion of crimson burning light spread all around the void destroying all things. The Crimson Devourer dominated the surroundings as an almighty being with immense power.

Crimson Devourer: (Turns towards her elder sister.) "I think it's about time we pay our little sister a visitor don't you?"

Darkness Devourer: (giggles.) "My what a wondrous idea


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