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Leila was a cold bitch and she did not fuck around with romance. It didn't matter, though -- there was a magnetism about her that sucked others in, made them want to lay themselves unquestioningly at her feet. She accepted their devotion with infuriating nonchalance, allowing only a select few into her bed sheets until she grew bored of their company. And then she moved on.

Right now, her latest fancy was matching pairs. She was currently entertaining herself with a beautiful pair of university boys, carefully selected over the course of several months. They were alike in their puppy eagerness to please, their ruddy cheeks and shining eyes. Some nights she amused herself by commanding them to fuck each other while she settled back with a glass of fine wine and watched.

Tonight was different. She was in the mood to play, to kiss and to bite. She made her boys strip down and douche, and then join her on the bedroom floor. They watched, lips parted, cheeks flushed with excitement, as she slowly undid the the buttons on her sheer shirt and let it fall to the floor, revealing her generous, dark-nippled breasts. She drew their faces into her bosom and directed them to worship her with their tongues and their lips. They sucked at her nipples greedily, their mouths running wet with saliva.

She guided them down the length of her supple body to the small curly growth of hair that sprang between her thighs. With her fingers, she parted the lips of her pussy and invited them in to explore. They scrambled to obey, cheeks bumping and knees scraping. Their tongues savored her taste, their fingers the soft pliancy of her labia. She arched her back, biting her lip in fierce enjoyment and pleasure, her hands pushing their heads down harder...

When she came, she did not hold back, but cried out her pleasure in a loud, exultant cry that rang through the air. And though her boys ached to cum, their balls swollen and hot, their cocks straining, her cry of pleasure made them shiver with bashful delight.



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