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Calvin waited nervously in the doctor's office. He'd come a few times before, but it had been over a year since his last check-up, and certain things had changed...not the least of which was that he got married, which ordinarily wouldn't have mattered, but today mattered very much.

"Stevens, Calvin," called the woman at the check-in counter. He followed the nurses to the back, and they showed him to a neat white room with a bright overhead light. He took off his coat.

The doctor entered in a matter of minutes, closing the door behind her. She was new; he didn't recognize her. Distantly, he thought she was very pretty. She smiled at him.

"I don't think I've had you before," she said. "I'm Dr. Green."

"Calvin," he muttered.

"Now, I see here that you've been here before, so you know the drill. I'm going to need you to take off your clothes."

Here it came, at last. The part he'd been worrying about ever since he'd scheduled this appointment.

"Y-yes, M..." he stammered, catching himself just in time. He'd almost called her 'Ma'am'!

As his pants fell to the ground, her eyes flickered to the shiny plastic device between his legs. Unmi,stakable in the bright fluorescent light, his cock was caged. His balls were pink and swollen. They'd been like this pretty much ever since his wife had first locked him up months ago, just hours after coming back from their honeymoon.

Dr. Green raised her eyebrows.

"Er, will this be a problem?" he asked her, his heart sinking. He could call his wife and have her drive over, but she'd assured him there was no need.

"No, not at all," Dr. Green said. Did he see her lips twitch in a smile? "You're perfect just the way you are."



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