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"Sit," she commanded, and he sat back on his heels.

They were in her office. The air conditioning was humming softly, and the air was cool against his bare skin. Nevertheless, she sat seemingly indifferent to the temperature in the room, her cream silk blouse unbuttoned to reveal the lacy edge of her bra. Today she was wearing glossy black heels, and they flashed in the bright overhead light as she moved.

"Who's your boss?" she asked him.

"You are, Ma'am," he replied.

"And what's your job?"

"To please you, Ma'am."


She lifted a long, shapely leg and pushed the toe of her shoe up against his forehead. He braced himself against the new weight, his hands digging into his knees.

"Suck my heel," she said softly.

He lifted his face and began to suck on the long stem, her shoe still firmly on his forehead. It took a few moments to get it wet, but then the saliva came freely and didn't show any signs of wanting to slow down. She watched from her perch on her desk with a look of satisfaction as his lips grew moist, his throat bobbing as he swallowed back the excess.

"You like worshiping my shoe?" she asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," he mumbled from around the heel.

"You may touch yourself, if you like." She tossed a small little bottle at him. It fell at his knees with a muffled sound. He glanced down and recognized it as the lube she always kept in the left drawer of her desk.

He squirted a small amount into his palm and slipped his hand into his pants. His cock was just beginning to stiffen.

"Keep sucking," she instructed, and once again his lips were back on the synthetic and leather heel as his hand slipped along his hardening shaft.

A knock at the door interrupted them.

His boss lowered her shoe, giving him just the slightest of glances that was nevertheless a firm command. Stay right there.

"Enter," she called out, and her assistant Maggie popped her head in.

"It's the senior partner at RBA," Maggie said, her eyes darting to him where he sat on the floor, his erection in plain view. He felt his cheeks redden. "Jed has him in Central. He wants a word with you."

"Understood." His boss jumped off the desk and straightened her skirt. She turned to him, her lips quirked in an innocent smile. "Perry, I'll be back in a few minutes. Keep yourself ready, yeah?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he said. The door closed behind him as his boss and mistress left with Maggie, who stole another few amused glances in his direction.

Swallowing, his heart hammering, he reached for the lube. It wasn't always easy being an office pet, but he did his best to serve.



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