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Through the friend of a friend, he heard about a hot new manufacturing company that was hiring for their R&D department. The pay was good, the benefits even better. On a whim, he submitted an online application. Within the week, he had a phone interview, an in-person, and a contract. "This is not your typical job," the recruiters stressed, over and over. "We want to make sure you understand that." He said he did. That following Monday, he began his new job.

Still, nothing could have quite prepared him for the nature of his job in R&D. His business card identified him as working in quality control. Yet while his co-workers were reviewing bug reports and designing stress tests, he was stripping down to his birthday suit to give the latest inventions a trial run.

The first time, his heart had raced in his chest so hard that he began to felt a little light-headed. It felt awkward to stand there buck naked in front of his co-workers, his privates exposed to the bright fluorescent lights of the lab. His boss, a sharply-dressed woman with black-rimmed glasses, helped him into the machine, her hand lingering at his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" she asked him as she strapped him in. "Let me know if there's anything I can do to make you more comfortable."

"I'm fine," he managed to croak. He closed his eyes, shutting out the sight of all those people standing around with their clipboards.

They lubed that mechanical cock until it was slick and glistening, and slowly, carefully, turned up the dials. The machine gave off a low hum as it slipped inside his prepped anus and began to fuck him. Gradually, so gradually he barely noticed, the cock gathered speed until it struck a steady, relentless rhythm. And for the next five minutes, he truly was good.

Oh, what delicious sensations began to overcome him! He forgot his self-consciousness as he quivered in his chair, grasping at the arms of the contraption for support. Soft moans escaped his lips, and he inadvertently angled his hips so as to better receive the projection up his ass. Within minutes, he was ejaculating, white cum spurting across the polished leather seat. The dildo continued to pound him, impervious to his display.

It was Maggie, the twenty-something year-old who worked at the desk across from him, who brought him a fistful of tissues to clean up the mess. As she turned away to answer a question, she dropped him a quick wink. "Well done," she mouthed.

Yes, he thought, he could learn to like this place.



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