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She'd given him a new pair of stockings for Christmas, as his old ones had runs all along the sides. He actually liked the torn-up, messy look of them, but the new ones were especially fine. All that night, as they cuddled on the couch and sipped some bubbly, he couldn't stop himself from surreptitiously running his fingers along the delicate material, feeling the nylon warm beneath his touch.

"You like them?" she asked when she caught him with his hand on his thighs yet again. He blushed and nodded.

"Yes, Ma'am. They're so light..."

She smiled back at him. "I like them too. You wear them well."

She set aside her glass of champagne and leaned toward him. Her hands found his knees, and his breath caught as she began to slide her palms upwards towards his groin. The gentle friction of skin against nylon turned the paths her hands made into rivers of heat. 

Her hands slowed as they neared his crotch.

"Do you want me to continue?" Her own voice had turned light and breathless. Looking into her too-bright eyes and flushed cheeks, he could see that she was as tipsy and love-drunk as he felt right then.

"Yes, Ma'am. I do."

"Then kiss me."

He leaned in, and his lips found hers. They kissed sweetly at first, but as the hunger took hold of her, she pulled him in closer. Her tongue moved roughly against his, seeking and conquering. And he yielded. He folded not only his body, but his very soul into her embrace.

She lifted her skirt and straddled his hips. He could feel her damp pussy against his cock, and as she began to move, he stifled a moan and buried his head in her neck.

"That feel good?"

"Yes, Ma'am..."

"Do you want to cum?"

"Yes, please..."

Just as he could feel the tension of an oncoming orgasm, she slipped off him.

"Fetch me my dildo," she said. "I want you to come with my cock in your ass."

And, responding not only to the command in her voice but to the love in her eyes, he moved to comply.



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