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Howdy! Here’s what’s up:

As I’m currently working on Katya’s body and preparing a Katya focused post I wanted to show you the progress I’ve made.

I now have her upgraded face from multiple angles, which will surely speed up all future Katya-related H-events.

I’ll tell you more about her in her dedicated post, but I sure hope you all like her upgraded face.

Also I thought I should share the progress in regards to “Kira’s face upgrade”. Can’t say I’m done with it, but we’re slowly moving forward.

I did my best to make it consistent and I think I’ve nailed it. I still have to draw it from other angles and then make different versions of it (based on your suggestions). Again, don’t be afraid - this is not the final version and I won’t just add it without your approval. I really want you all to like her.

That said, now I’m going to repeat everything we’ve already discussed about this topic over multiple progress reports and comments.

If you’re up to date, you can safely skip this part - I just want to refer to this particular post in the future when I’ll talk about Kira’s face again.

Fighting the shadow government:

Kira’s face is imperfect, I messed it up and you can kind of see how once I flip the image.

I’m not sure you can see what’s wrong with it, but I can and it bothers me - it’s her eyes, mainly. 

I deliberately avoided flipping it in our game as much as possible, and on rare occasions where I needed to (like in the mirror), I always edited her peepers to somewhat hide this issue.

Occasionally some new players are saying that something is wrong with her face, but after a while they all get used to it, because that’s how our brains work - they get used to “imperfections” and trick us into ignoring them.

Another good example of this trickery is Benedict Cumberbatch, the shadow government used Hollywood to convince us all that he’s “hot”, but you and I - we know the truth. We can see right through their lies, we know that he’s actually a mushroom with eyes and it’s about time someone did something about this!.. But I digress.

The point is, her current face is kind of messed up and you should be able to see that when I flip the image.


I’m not able to properly mimic her older face (the current one) when I draw it in other angles (Profile, Anfas, etc.). I mean, she kind of looks the same, but it’s not the exact same face and it limits me.

I want her face to look exactly the same in all angles (or as close as possible), so that I can use and mix different angles when drawing new events.


I can draw better now and I want Kira to be the hottest girl in the game. Our newest female NPCs all look better than her and I want to fix this injustice by updating Kira’s face.


Because I don’t really like Kira's current face I often edit it for events, especially when she’s shown from a different angle.

With this upgrade, I aim to create a single Photoshop file in which all her heads will be chilling. And whenever I’ll draw a new H-event - I’ll just get a fitting head from this masterfile.

This should save me a lot of time and speed up the development.


If you are concerned that this would take an enormous amount of time, you’re right, because it will. But, like I’ve said in my previous post about Kira’s face - I will limit the time I’ll spend on this.

However, this isn’t a lengthy rework like in the past, since I’m not redoing her body, outfits and other details at all. The only thing I want to do is draw her face and expressions from different angles and implement them all over the game.

I will not allow this to slow down the development and I’ll continue working on this face overhaul in my spare time.


Usually when anything gets changed, some people get upset, because they liked the older version more.

I understand that, because I am like that as well - Imho, Windows 7 was peak windows and all other versions are unacceptable. I don’t know what Bill Gates was thinking and also, I’m 99% sure that his wife took half of my windows 10 when divorcing him and I’d like to get it back!

So, I assure you, I won’t repeat Bill's mistake of simply changing stuff without asking - I will make alternative versions of Kira's face, ask for your feedback, then I’ll edit them again and only then I’ll start a poll in which we all will vote which face Kira should have.

I remember what suggestions I’ve got the last time I brought up this face upgrade and I will try them out once I’ll finish the version I’ve shown you today.

I hope you can see that the face upgrade has to happen and I hope I managed to ease some of your concerns.

I will continue working on various different versions of Kira's face in my spare time, continue gathering your feedback and only then we will decide what face Kira will have via polls.

Since I’m not actively working on this issue, I think Kira’s face poll will roll out no earlier than March.

As an added bonus, here’s something I don’t think I mentioned before:

Above you can see the “vaginal” piercing I picked for Kira. it’s already implemented in all our newer events and in Kira’s character art.

At first I kind of just used it as a placeholder, but now I think we should just add this one without any polls, because it matches other Kira’s piercings and looks rather interesting.

Even though I like this one and I have an interesting cathedral-related H-event in mind for it, there will only be one vaginal piercing option in the entire game, so I don’t mind conducting some polls with more normal piercing options to determine which one we should add.

Please tell me what you think, should we just “commit” to this one? Or would you prefer to vote for some other options?

That’s all I wanted to share today.

Kira’s face upgrade is slowly moving forward, Katya upgrade is almost done and a finale of “A Modest Proposal" is being actively worked on.

I have some exciting stuff to both post and poll you on next month and we’ll also post a bugfix later this week.

Thank you all for your patience and support! The end is near!




I honestly still prefer the original Kira's eyes. If the new model can keep closer to that style of eyes I'll be entirely happy with it.

Dr Professor McShootface

I'm a bit late to the comment party but I wanted to give my, unwarranted but perhaps helpful, two cents. I like where you're going with Kira's face rework. I see exactly what you mean about the eyes the bother you. In the old version, the sclera of her eyes are much brighter and her eyes are more open which is likely why they stand out like a sore thumb next to the new ones. The position of her brow in the old model is higher and gives more of an sarcastic, aloof look. Whereas, the lower position of the brow in the newer workup makes her appear much more suspicious and untrusting. I appreciate the attention to detail in regards to lighting on the newer version. On the old face it is hard to tell where the global light source is that is illuminating her. Her nose casts a dark shadow on the side that faces the audience but it doesn't make sense given that the rest of her face is more or less evenly lit. On the newer version you have given greater attention to smoothing the shadows and accurately depicting her face as if she were illuminated by a light source coming from the direction of the audience. The drop shadow off the far side of her nose across her far cheek is a nice touch to this regard as well as the overall darkening of the flesh from the cheek cavity back to the jaw and then up into the temple area. Overall, wonderful work. Some of, if not, the best artwork I have seen in a style that works so flawlessly with the setting and nature of the game in which it resides.