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Howdy! We finally finished layering and animating everything, this was a difficult task, but I hope it was worth it!

Download link:

V0.5b (Click Me)

-282 new pictures;

-16 pages of script;

- Layered the branching H-event from a previous update;

- Added text references to Kira’s appearance in a Modest Proposal quest (cum, pregnancy, some fetishes, whether or not her breasts are out and body writings);

- Added new and updated NPC artworks:

  • Koba;
  • Vice;
  • Prison “Pole Girl”;
  • Random male rebel;

- Misc things:

  • Upgraded the ”Pole Girl” case file from the “New You” quest;
  • Added visuals for a Guard note during “A Modest Proposal”;
  • Added alternative character art for Razin (if you chose to fight him after the prison);
  • Animated expression changes during “harassment” events;
  • Fixed a bug with a “night” not triggering properly while in prison;
  • Added more text that explains when and where to go during the prison quest;
  • Deleted “hints” from prison (they are no longer needed);
  • Made Liuda and Nayda slightly smaller (As requested);
  • Retroactively changed the Pole Girl’s real name from Taylor to Polina;
  • I asked Moana to rename Charisma to Kirisma, but she just gave me a really disappointed look. Still, I’m gonna be optimistic and say that there’s a 50% chance that this change was implemented!

Note: (In case you didn’t see the previous changelog)

To access the Modest Proposal - Just follow the main quest, if you completed everything prior to  v0.5, just talk to the Rebel Leaders (Sewer, Boat, A building next to the one where stooges live)

The H-event is a branching one - it has two versions. If you want to see both versions of the new event without replaying the entire game - Once you have “A Modest Proposal” Quest, Save before talking to “Gulag” (the prison warden). View the first version, load, go to the subway and use our usual “cheat terminal” (mailbox) then click on the “Spoiler” option. Return to Gulag and that’s it.

I’m really curious to hear what those of you who played the previous version and this newer one think about the changes we’ve made - was it all worth the effort, or should we scale it down in favor of speed?

That said, we now resume our work on the second half of “A Modest Proposal” quest and l want to make another progress report along with some polls next week.

As per usual, Thank you all for your patience and support! The end is near!



I'll say it's worth it, world situation being what it is not a factor. We're basically seeing the very edge of the development process here, you're telling us not only what's done but what you have planned to work on and where you are in the pipeline. To put it into perspective, these kinds of updates are what you'd get in team level meetings months before any consumers saw the product. We're just being given a LOT of insight into the process here, so I at least appreciate it, even if it just makes me more eager for more content.


So is all the other stuff in the previous posts implemented or are those an end game result? Befor you ask yes I can read and I didn’t see anything about it but was just wondering non the less


Not yet I’m afraid, we could add it all as a part of any upcoming update, but in its current state - unlayered, and I’d prefer to implement her events fully, with all Kira’s bodymods.


Just got through this entire release, I think the release cadence is acceptable. .a being dedicated to implementing the event and .b being the layered final version with bugfixes. There are reasons for people to play both. People that are interested in seeing everything as it shows up get new content at a somewhat steady pace (even if it is unlayered) and people who only want the complete stuff will eventually be on the same wait schedule, just an update behind. Works well for Patron vs Public release as well, Patrons get both .a and .b, Public only gets full .b update. Faster is usually better, but not if it compromises quality. Hopefully there are process improvements down the line that can speed releases up even more, but with a two person dev team you can only do so much at one time. The sheer number of layers that go into a single event, will always extend both art and implementation time, so this seems like a happy medium.


Clarifiation req: for status on Modest Proposal, trying continuation from save in 5.a where already visited the Leaders, going to Pole Girl at prison gives a End of Current Path result. Here in 5.b the same result (did go back to leaders to try to retrigger just in case). Not sure if this is a bug or if in fact is current state. For question: not quite sure on judging the changes, have sense given I was advanced on quests need to restart to really judge.


0.5b adds stuff on top of 0.5a, so if you already finished 0.5a - you won’t see anything, (because the game thinks you already completed that part of the quest). You need to load a save prior to the start of this quest to see the H-event in its full glory and read up some appearance references. I should have warned you to keep your save prior to 0.5a. If you’d like - I can ask Moana to add another option to the cheats that would reset this quest and allow you to complete it again (we can upload it sometime next week, along with some bugfixes).