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Howdy! Here's what’s up:

We’re still working on the next release and we’re at a stage where my skills are not as needed. I finished random female NPCs, though I still would like to work more on random males. And Moana is busy fixing stuff and finishing the “boobjob” event.

As you may know, the boobjob event features three more girls and four fellas, and while the girls are fully shown, the dudes don’t have their faces on screen in this particular event. Meaning that random male NPCs are not required for this release and while I’m still going to work on their art, we can upload new version without them.

On top of that, the separation of tops from bottoms meant the changes in layering order and logic in general (how the pictures are called etc.). So, we were and still are running through the game, looking where we might’ve missed something when it comes to outfits.

That said, the new version will be out as soon as Moana finishes layering and testing the boobjob event, and once we finish testing the whole game to the best of our abilities (this task is not as important, since I’m sure we’ll still miss something).

Here’s our two new female NPCs - “Sugartits” and “Dottie”:

The blond/pink haired girl is named “Sugartits”, her face was drawn by an AI and edited by me.

This NPC is a successful test that should speed up the development and make the game feel more populated. I used a website called “Artbreeder” and edited her face, which was a lot quicker than drawing a face from scratch.

With the help of “Artbreeder” I intend to create more random NPCs with a face (clients at a bar, gym, random pervs, etc.). I do not intend to give every NPC a face and we will continue to use helmets/masks to cover some faces. But, the addition of faces to some of them should benefit the game's atmosphere and further bring it to life.

The downside of “Artbreeder” is that it would take more time for me to try and draw its faces from different angles, so I won’t even attempt to do so and limit its use to random NPCs.

The black/white haired lady is named “Dottie”, her face was drawn by me because I need her from multiple angles for other planned events.

Dottie is either an “Alpha” or “Alpha cow” (based on content preferences), she’s just like the rest of the girls, but she has more freedom. She will have some lesbian events and an exclusive hand-milking event for people that play with “lactation” turned on. These events will be added once we return to the farm.

In total, I’ve drawn 4 new girls, but I’m only showing two in case I’ll need to make another teaser before the release.

Now, a little bit on our other plans that I haven't announced yet:


P.S: You might have noticed these new undies in my previous progress report and I’d like to clarify that they are an upgraded version of “ghost” underwear.

Now, I assume most of you play as Kira who went to Chief Officer right away, meaning that she’s physically incapable of wearing any underwear. So this upgrade is irrelevant to you, which is a topic I’d like to discuss.

I’m deliberately not adding any new underwear to the game, because I’m pretty sure that after we’d implement something like “pink crotchless panties” or a “transparent neon g-string”, people would ask us to add in a way to remove “no underwear” fetish from Kiras mind.

Fetishes that Kira currently has are meant to have downsides to them, and this downside is currently most noticeable in “no panties” case. However, there will be a way to remove them, and we will finally start adding new lingerie after we’ll add this “fetish removal” feature in.

-Fetish removal:

This feature will be added to the rebel’s base and will require the completion of “New You” quest on any path (Corrupt or not, Kira just needs the prototype from it).

With the help of the prototype a new way of “indoctrination removal'' will be discovered.

Alas the use of this new tech will slightly damage Kira’s brain every time she’ll change something. Meaning that you will pay for fetish removal with your stats.

-Random NPCs names:

Instead of “man1”, “dude2” or “fella7” we will have all our random NPCs named as colors -  “Mr. Brown”, “Mr. White and etc.

We’ve decided to do this, because our upcoming “boobjob” event turned out to be pretty confusing in game, with colors as names it’s really more understandable who is talking and why.

However, this was a last minute decision, so it will only be implemented in a “boobjob” event for now, we’ll have to edit the rest of our events in due time.

-Repeatable events have repeatable sections inside of them:

If your Kira gets branded, knocked up or acquires a new related fetish after the first viewing of the random event - you will still see “complete” parts of it in the repeatable version. Meaning that it should be interesting to revisit random events whenever something new happens to Kira.

The difference is not drastic, but we’re hoping that with the amount of customization in both art and text, repeatable events will remain interesting for a long time.

Initially, repeatable events were just shortened versions of their corresponding regular events. But, ever since I’ve started editing them, I slowly developed this new way of writing for repeatable versions, where the events consist of “blocks” that are either normal or repeatable on their own, instead of making one giant repeatable version that completely ignores any new changes to Kira’s personality.

And while not all our currently present random events were written this way, all of them have some variability and I do intend to keep on writing like this in all our future random encounters.

Overall, we’re still working, primarily on bug fixes and “boobjob”. The character art expansion is done but we still have to test and fix it in every scenario. And the “boobjob” event is nearing its completion.

At this stage, I have more free time than Moana, so I’m already working on the Farm content. “Dottie” is a part of our future farm continuation and I’m going to talk about her, changes to the “farm” and other upcoming events in my next progress report.

Thank you all for your patience and support, the end is near!



Niels P

So what kind of timeline are you estimating for the next release? Days or weeks?


Given how little is left to do, I believe mid september is a realistic prediction.


im like a crack addict im fiending for the farm update it feels like ive been waiting so long but i know it'll end up being a few hours of epic content. I also kind of hope she can somehow get one of the men on her side or some how utilize them like you could do with your kids, that big muscular guy adding some sort intimidation for conversations lol


repeatable events/scenes would make this game a damn diamond


The game really needs to focus for some time to flesh out the already existing content, with this I agree. With that said, I'm sure we're all looking forward to any new teasers in general and as such I took the liberty to upscale the preview from the first pic to 4k: https://imgur.com/a/EU1GHf6

Dr. Madness MNA

"Why am I Mr. Pink? Why can't we pick our own colours?"

Dom Pavlova

I was hoping for an update this time it's been a while :(


"If Dr. Madness MNA can be MR. Pink, Can I be Mr. Red?" I would like to be sus-colored


I sus that you haven’t seen “Reservoir Dog”, so yes, you’re Mr. Red officially:)

Dom Pavlova

I don't wanna be an asshole. No seriously but mid-September has been going for a good while now .... I don't ask for more than news I know that your work is difficult but at some point you have to be logical and honest please dear Mulan .... :(