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Howdy again! I have to warn you that this post is completely dedicated to our optional pregnancy content, so if it’s not your cup of tea - you can safely skip it.

Now, as promised, here’s an explanation on how the “pregnancy system” will work in our game.

But first, I want to specify that everything listed in this post won’t happen in a single update. We will be implementing the whole system in waves, along with regular events.

Pregnancy system in a nutshell:

- It will support all outfits and will be shown in all events (eventually all, currently just Viavarium).

- There will be no limitations, have as many children as you like, use contraceptives, complete the game with perma pregnant Kira. You do you, comrades.

- Due to the fact that all outfits are supported, there will only be one “belly” size.

- Once again, the system will be implemented in “waves”, so you won’t see everything in a single update.

- The whole system is tied to the “bed/sleeping”. Technically, you can just spam the “sleep” button and she will give birth in 10 seconds. It’s up to you.

- Pregnancy will take 9 days (can become temporarily or even permanently faster/slower)

Currently available update (V0.4.9.2) already has a “pregnancy system” in it and, as you can see on the pictures attached to this post, Vivarium events also have pregnancy in them.

A while ago I finished redrawing the belly (picture above) and here’s our current plan:

Preg update “part 1”:

Upcoming update will upgrade our systems to include compatibility with outfits and a better flow of impregnation, pregnancy and fertility logic.

The system will also support “expansions” in the form of various potential consumables or permanent upgrades.

Preg update “part 2”:

After our boobjob/character expansion update - we will return to the farm.

In the next two days of Kira’s imprisonment, she will become pregnant. But, it’s a different kind of pregnancy - a “scripted” pregnancy.

Meaning, that even though there will be everything needed for pregnancy to work, it won’t function properly.

The system will be in the game, but you won’t be able to do anything with it, since story-wise Kira is still “learning” about pregnancy at the farm.

Preg update “part 3”:

After the farm is over, Kira will be allowed to leave and the system will start to function properly.

All vivarium events, including the ones we’re working on right now, will feature pregnancy (like in pictures attached to this post).

However, there’s currently only one repeatable vaginal event - so there will only be one potential place for her to fall pregnant repeatedly.

Events that feature vaginal sex will all have a chance of impregnating Kira, but they are not repeatable.

Besides, we still have to re-layer our older events to include pregnancy.

Preg update “part 4”:

This part will come after we’ll layer our older events and add pregnancy references to the rest of the game.

In it, there will be some pregnancy specific content like an orphanage, pills, augmentations etc.

Note: Along with constant updates to the pregnancy system, the game will also grow in terms of content, so there will be more “vaginal” events and more opportunities for Kira to become knocked up.

For example, once the farm will be over - it will become repeatable, yet another place for Kira to have her spawns.

Above you can see an example of how the pregnancy system works from a technical point.

There’s 4 separate layers that appear on top of Kira’s outfits in case she is pregnant. This allows for pregnancy to work with all boobsizes, hips and outfits without any issues.

And here’s how it will work from a gameplay point:

If the “pregnancy content” is enabled, Kira has to “turn on” her sci fi implants and actually allow herself to become pregnant (Complete the “Farm” part of “Vivarium”).

After the first scripted pregnancy that doesn’t follow any rules - the system will start working.

Note: The whole system is tied to the “bed/sleeping”. Technically, you can just spam the “sleep” button and she will give birth in 10 seconds. It’s up to you.


Kira will now have a base fertility of 10%. Meaning that whenever an event with a vaginal creampie will occur, there will be a 10% chance that she will become “Impregnated”.

Impregnated status:

That said, now that Kira is “impregnated” she will experience morning sickness for three days and will wonder why (no art involved).

On the fourth day she will wake up with a belly and finally will become visibly knocked up.

Pregnant status:

Visible pregnancy will last for 6 days, it will work with all outfits and will be shown in all events (eventually).

On the last day Kira will comment that her water just broke, etc and you will have to visit the hospital. Kira won’t be able to sleep until she gives birth.

Giving birth:

It’s a repeatable event, won’t feature any gore (because I’m sensitive) and no kids (because of Patreon rules).

However, later down the line, there will be some optional egg pregnancies, eggnancies, if you will. And they will be fully shown.

Pregnancy related upgrades (All names are placeholders):

- Heroic Mother: After giving birth to 10 children Kira will be awarded a “Heroic Mother” title. This will allow her to optionally call a “hospital taxi” (teleport to give birth). So you won’t have to walk there yourself.

- Fertility pill: This pill adds +40% to Kira’s fertility for a day - each vaginal event will have a 50% chance of impregnation.

- Fertility implant (maybe it will be a tattoo): This thing permanently adds +50% to Kira’s fertility and is stackable with a pill.

- Impregnation speed pill: Kira becomes visibly pregnant the next day, one time.

- Impregnation speed implant: Kira becomes visibly pregnant the next day, permanently.

- Pregnancy speed pill: Next day labor. And the opposite version of it (increases the time).

- Pregnancy speed implant: Permanently reduces the time it takes for Kira to give birth by 3 days. You can have multiple implants (adjust the speed from 6 days to 3 or even 1). And the opposite version of it (increases the time).

- Broodmother mutation: Kira will be able to become visibly pregnant right after the vaginal creampie event. This thing will be added last and will be irreversible.

Kira’s offsprings:

First pregnancy is scripted and Kira will give birth to a healthy comrade that you will be able to name. He will have some small, purely comedic events - Kira will occasionally give him some motherly advice.

All of Kira’s spawns, including the first one, will live at an orphanage, where you will be able to visit them. Again, all children's interactions will be purely comedic.

This is not everything we did or will do, but I think this post covers the basics.

Overall, the hardest part is behind us - character art. Making all outfits work with pregnancy was a challenging task, but I think it’s worth it.

Thank you all for your patience and support, please write your thoughts and ideas on what you’ve read today and as per usual, the end is near!




can't wait for this, no doubt my Kira will end the game with the Broodmother Mutation and premnantly pregnant with massive fake tits (and maybe a futa cock if that's ever added XD) can't wait for the next update


Actually genius it makes me think you've been playing hazumi and pregnation probably one of the best pregnancy hentai games ever, so im hoping it takes bits of inspiration from that because that game had addicting gameplay based on pregnancy. BIG ups to you Dev you keep making this game even more interesting, the fact that it leads to "spawns" and your comrade son or daughter have roles is a super smart move lol.


Thank you:) When we announced that Defen will have a pregnancy system, Hazumi was recommended to me by multiple people. So you guessed right, I was indeed inspired by it.


I really am looking forward to getting Kira preggers in the game, but I hope it won't be known only to her. Totally immersion breaking if she gets preggers and people she knows are blind to her big belly. I'm also curious about the possible responses to preggers Kira like 'who's the daddy'? and/or 'who's the daddy 'this time''? I like bimbo Kira a great deal so hope she giggles alot when someone might question her possibly insatiable desire for anonymous 'daddy's. Smart Kira would more likely take precautions to not get knocked up so if it happens the first time after the farm I could see her determining a one and done pregnancy. But my sweet bimbo Kira would Never miss an opportunity to forget to protect herself from getting preggers. Anyway, love this game and the humor is wonderful so I'm sticking with it to the very end.


Of course there will be references to Kira’s belly, both dum and smart. But, it won’t happen in one update. NPCs should react to Kira’s belly, to the fact that she is practically naked, to the size of her breasts, to bodywritings or cum on her face. Reactions matter and we will add them pretty soon, it’s just a bit complicated.


Oh, I wasn't at all asking for all of the preg content in one big update, just wanted to hope that when it gets fully implemented over the course of your hard work and progress that it's immersive and fun and dirty and sexy. Yes, really do want reactions to Kira that are specific to something that's been done to her or she wanted done or what she's wearing or not wearing. Was also wondering about her roommates and how all the things planned and implemented for Kira are going to impact them, or how they might react to full on pregnant Bimbo Kira the total public fuckslut whore compared to the hard ass smart killing machine Kira. I absolutely do not doubt crafting non-repetitive reactions is super complicated, but this is a special game that's actually fun to play with the very funny humor you put in to many of the dialogues and I can't stop laughing at the jailbreak music them with Kira and the jail morons. It fucking rocks and is funny as hell. Just hope that when you get done with all the super hard work that you don't burn out and just shoot to end the game. Don't overwork yourselves and keep us posted and we'll stay true and supportive for each release you put out. I just do hope when you get around to doing the reactions to Kira's changes that they are immersive and not overly repetitive with multiple npcs reacting the very same way. Stay rested and keep up the damn good work.

H.E. Pennypacker

Lots of things to be excited for here, and all the pictures look great. How will the larger breast sizes look with the belly? Clothing+Breasts+Belly layers sound like they'll be a bitch do do.


Since layers for tops and bottoms appear on top of breasts and hips - we had to add alternative pants for sizes 6+ in most outfits. Apart from that, the logic is the same. In case of pregnancy, it doesn’t look good with giant breasts, since they almost completely cover the belly layer. That is why I’ve decided to not show them, but maybe I should in my next post.

Mao Tsclusul

wow this much was unexpected - a great addition

Dom Pavlova

Any progress report dear mulan ? :D still waiting for the glorious update :(


I’m currently experimenting with a program/website called “artbreeder”. This thing generates faces that I can easily edit into my current artstyle. I want to use this tool for our random npc’s faces, instead of my usual “they all wear helmets/masks because - weird reasons”. I got a bit carried away with it, but I’m almost done with our random cows/slaves npcs. They all had bodies but had no face, because I was still thinking about what “face” they should have (helmet, mask, etc.). Now I think they all will have a unique human one, because of artbreeder. I’ll talk more on this topic in my upcoming progress report. I just wanted to inform you that the report will be a little bit late due to my discovery of “artbreeder”.


what do i do with this "pet snake grooming" card in my key items?


Oooof best game ever


Will birth be shown at all? Based on the wording it seems like you're avoiding it which is a shame, it might be weird but it is a draw for a lot of people that are into preg fetishes. Surely the actual birthing in relative detail can be shown that fits within your parameters. Hopefully not asking for too much, I appreciate that there's even preg content at all in the first place.


There will be a “giving birth” H-scene, but I’m not yet sure whether or not it will show Kira’s vagina. I guess I can’t say for sure right now, we’ll have to cross that bridge once we get there. However, I will keep your comment in mind once I start drawing it.