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Howdy! Here’s what’s up:

-We’re still working on the Farm part of the Vivarium, life is hard. I’ve said I’m going to learn from our mistakes and release the game quicker from now on, and I’ll prove that  with my actions.

-There's also a new goal at 3000$ - “we will start commissioning a writer for H-events on a regular basis”

This will drastically cut the time I spend on writing and allow me to focus on mainstory and artworks (I’ll still write H-events, just not all of them).

-And I’m going to start occasionally commissioning the writer (LostRaven), starting from next month already, because I’m really getting buried under the weight of the game.

I was kind of worried that I went a bit overboard with humor in our last update, but it appears you liked it, or at least didn’t hate it, which is also a win in my books.

Sure, I’ve gotten some feedback that there’s “too much text”, but this is a text-based game, so people are unfortunately required to read. Plus, I really did boil it down to what’s absolutely crucial to the story, and with all the new information we’ve dumped on you - this is the best I could do.

Maybe it won’t feel like “too much” text, once we’ll roll out random H-events in between of the story, I don’t know, this issue is not on the top of my list to be honest.

This brings me to the next point, the Farm part of Vivarium was the opposite of that, it had a ton of H-events with no “breathing room” in between (I believe I’ve already mentioned this issue last month). We fixed that by adding tasks that happen in between, and we’re currently working on the layering and polishing of everything that’s in there. I don’t have anything new to show you yet, since I didn’t draw anything new (and apart from some npc art, I don’t intend to), but I assure you we’re getting there and the work is going.

I also want to learn from our mistakes moving forward, so we’ll release content more regularly for a while, at the price of not advancing the plot. I mean, we will just work with what we have - a ton of unfinished locations and missing H-events.

Here’s a few things to give you the idea (not in any order):

-Pet play at Vivarium

-Finishing the Vivarium quest

-Random H-events at Vivarium

-Random H-events at Moscow

-Repeatable gloryhole events

-Overhaul and expansion of waitress job

-Overhaul and expansion of prison

-Bringing back the movies content

-Adding H-events with Katya

-Adding H-events with Olga

-Redrawing or drawing some npcs

-Layering all H-events properly (now we finally can do that)

-Adding appearance references to the text everywhere.

-Character art from the back

-Remaining 5 breast sizes (for all events and outfits)

-Adding all outfits and more partners to the groping system

I want to do all of that at the same time, but I have to pick my battles and accept the fact that the game is still in development.

However, what I can do - is do better in general, by releasing content at a more stable pace. To fulfil that promise, I will start commissioning another writer for H-events next month.

This will speed up the development and help me with my workload. I’ll still write the story, and I will continue to write H-events, just not all of them (the game really needs a ton of them).

I need more funds to release the game quicker, but I need to release the game quicker to get more funds.

So I’m in a bit of a pickle here, and I hope that getting another writer will help the project out. That is why I’m also adding another goal to our Patreon.

That’s pretty much all I wanted to say, I have big plans and now I’m off to continue making them a reality.

Part two will be out as soon as possible, but it is quite complex due to all of our excessive options, outcomes and variables.

We’re really getting buried under all our features and variables, but I’m going to fix that by working only on H-events and artworks for a couple of month, and by hiring another writer.

Thank you all for your patience and support, the end is near once again!


Dominique Ducote

I'm going to try to thread a needle and maybe see if I can see where the "too much writing" people are coming from but also say that everything I read is great, funny, and your hypno writing is just the best! Some of the more lengthy reading for me was, say, being a bimbo and first going to the gym. Or being a bimbo and getting to vivarium and talking to sharon first and mother first. I recognize, though, its writing to simulate a conversation between a person and a bimbo, so it is vaguely exhausting. What is happening, in my experience is the aggravation/exhaustion the speaker to Kira gets is also reflected in my emotions reading it as well. Which, is a trade-off for me, granted. I want to read a world where a bimbo kira is reflected, I love the effort to program and write scenes for every benchmark of intelligence. The scenes where she is her best as a bimbo are really good! (The prison scene, talking to olga, meeting mother). The only scene I felt the writing of her as a bimbo was really tedious was the first conversation with the locker-dwellers in the gym


Thank you for your feedback, I’ll try to work more on my action/dialogue ratio :)


That's great and all, but starting the Gym is like a ten minute scene that advances only the idea that yes, in fact, there is a shop in the gym and yes, in fact, you can get the big chunk. It was fine the first two playthroughs, now I just hack in a cheat menu to give Kira the ass size I want.


Hmm, since you’re the second person that mentions it, then maybe we will restructure it - cut out all the “unnecessary” stuff and move it into a separate optional box. Thank you.


well your game is so much more then just sex and lewd image, like I really like your story and joke, I don’t mind to have all the text behind it and story telling


I personally enjoy the humor. Though sometimes the tone doesn't really match the mood. Like, let's make sarcastic jokes despite the fact that you just witnessed a giant mutant bear surrounded by dead things everywhere. It feels a bit jarring, and while Kira is a total badass (at least when she's not a total bimbo), it's weird when things get really messed up and she just shrugs and cracks a joke. Though I chalk that up to your sense of humor, and the lack of a bigger picture on my end (certain jokes might pay off later after the Farm bit is complete, etc etc.) I think the big issue is when you're replaying the game after new content is added. I hate skipping dialog but sometimes it's hard to read the same dialog over and over again. Especially if you're trying to reach the new stuff. Then again, it's hypocritical for me to say that. I have over two thousand hours in skyrim despite it being fairly linear. I can only talk about my own preferences though. I'm sure others prefer that you get straight to the point with the H scenes, and that's valid. Sometimes you just wanna nut, y'know? However I don't really see it as just a porn game. It's a bit bigger than say, A New Dawn in regards to story. I quite enjoy reading about the various characters, their personalities, and how they fit into this really fucked up world. I love world building. Nothing turns me onto a game (especially an H-Game) than purpose. I want consequences, and a feeling of control (or slowly losing said control). This game is great, and while I do feel like its development is a bit of a slog, I'll continue supporting it because beyond the idea of wanting some kind of product at the end of it all, I also just want to support the developers who have worked so hard on a great game using one of the jankiest platforms on gods green earth. Thank you guys for your hard work. Hopefully the extra story writer can ease the load a little for you. Much love XoX


Also, we want the game to be completed soon, but I think it's imperative that you create a release that you feel is worthy to release. Something that you're proud to release.


Thank you:) And I think I figured out what I can do for people that just want H-events (which is fine), and for people that are replaying. We’ll add an option “Kira spaced out” in some lengthy places, I’ll tell you more in my next progress report.


Я уже Вивариум по-немногу ненавидеть начинаю. Уж на сколько он затормозил наполнение игры контентом в локации Москва слов нет. По поводу критики по типу "многабукаф" ну тут дело вкуса. Когда сам несколько лет назад начинал играть в еще старую версию с Мосфильмом и упрощенной рисовкой, то смутило что приходится столько читать в игре сделанной на рпг-мейкере. Сейчас это на ровне с великолепной рисовкой можно отнести к главной особенности игры. Играя параллельно за умную Киру без фетишей и бимбо Киру, вчитываясь в диалоги, понимаешь всю разницу. У персонажей действительно разные характеры. Да и в целом кому не нравится много текста, что мешает его перемотать? Удивлен, что в списке ближайших изменений/добавлений нет спортзала. Потенциально возможного контента там уйма, от бассейна до спаррингов.


Спасибо, не волнуйтесь к Москве мы скоро вернемся, да и в спортзал точно ещё добавим ивентов, тем более что там не нужно никакого “сетапа” и просто осталось добавить больше ивентов)


yessss pls bring back movies, that shit was hilarious