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Yep, it looks like we can’t do anything without delays. 

Here’s V0.4.7  

Apologies for an extra day of waiting, but it changed a lot of things for us and hopefully made this update even more enjoyable. 


-Tolstoy literally dumbs Kira down if she continues listening to his jokes (2 steps)

- Autosave option. Pressing “esc” key leads to a save being made, but it can only see your loaded savefile, meaning that it will save over it - that’s why it’s “off” by default, please make a backup of your saves if you want to use it.

 -Amazing gym soundtrack 

-Small worldbuilding events (gym, residential area, augs shop)

-Gym location

-Gym outfit

- benevolence and pet training are back with updated art. 

-”Mai” outfit is back 

- 11 new npc pictures 

- 4 gym training sessions that unlock customizable fifth one and an option to workout naked. 

-training events can increase/decrease Kira’s hips, choice based. 

-fifth gym session can be viewed naked, in gym outfit and in gym revealing outfit, you’ll be able to pick what to wear at the locker after the fourth gym session. 

-new shop that sells shady items, including booty growth serums

-artwork for new shop items and shop interface. 

- Hair salon, allows you to switch between unlocked hair (pink from new you, and default white for now). 

-Hair styling, slightly different hair based on your current one, will only appear in character art (For now we have just one, for the default white hair).

-New tattoo (shown in gym events)

-Katya will now sell piercings if you’ve completed “party quest”.

-Nipple rings piercing. (shown in gym events)

-Grope event with Katya if you’re dating and asking her about nipple rings (AUG’s shop). 

-If Katya was on the pole instead of Kira (“prison break” quest), her character art will be undressed during this event. 

-Body writings (Shown in gym events.)

-Bare bones of the “shower system”, mainly to allow removal of body writings. 

-First working version of “groping system”, a giant master event that will automatically change art in all grope events each time we’ll add something to it (hair, tattoos etc.)

-4 different gym grope events that use this system (Katya’s new event also uses it and shows body writings if they’re present). 

-3 repeatable versions of gym grope events with randomized partner art (currently two) 

- repeatable “body writings” gym event. 


(There was a ton of them, I’m listing just the important ones)

- Kira’s character art button works again

- Ctrl works again

- Fixed endless loop at "Dream" part of 2nd Legion quest.

 Thank you all for your support and patience! I hope you’ll like our game! 


marty moth

thank you so much looks like i know what im playing today .

Kawaii poni

оооо начинаем!!)))


Thank you so much !


thank you


should I restart from the beginning to play the new version?


Ничего не пойму во втором квесте Легиона. Когда заходишь в свою комнату, в общаге . Там что то говорится про какую то коробку и вещи в ней. Но я не пойму где её искать...


Haha, Swole patrol.. I love you, Fresh Mulan.


So a few annoying bug: The Autosave option does nothing. The newest save will always get overwritten, no matter what setting is used. Also, i can't progress with the Welcome party! quest, i just can't buy the liquor, it's sold out. This happened after i started a new game and skipped the intro after the autosave issue overwrote the save i used...


In order to start the welcome part quest, you are sort of railroaded into getting arrested for public indecency or kicking a guard in the nuts. From there, you are presented to a judge, and served your sentence. After you spend time in jail (One night, and possibly a tattoo), if you go to sleep you'll be confronted by the super slav bros, and then you can buy the liquor. I do wish it was more clear since much of the new content revolves around this encounter. It would be preferable if after a certain point in the main quest, one of the girls asks if you got the liquor, and gives you money to buy it. As with the autosave feature, I 100% agree. It's sort of a pain in the ass. I've started just saving twice. The first is the real save, the second is the autosave. It would be preferable if the off/on feature worked, or at the very least it selects the first or the twenty fourth slot to autosave to.


So far, I have two problems (spoilers). The first is the autosave feature, which is quite annoying and pretty bugged. You cannot turn it off. A work around is to just save twice, with the second save lower down the list. It's still a slightly broken feature. The second is at the gym when you start getting groped after agreeing to be a gym bunny. It seems that the game tries to give you all of the hair styles during the scene. It's a very VERY odd bug. Next time I play I'll screenshot it for you. After the first scene it's fine. Keep in mind I did already have pink hair, so that could've caused the problem. Other than that, it's a great, worthwhile update. It's sad that it took so long, but I'm glad you guys managed to update the backend NOW before pushing forward so that future scenes will be easier for you to work with and edit. I'm a big fan of your work. Just keep on keeping on. And stay safe! Thank you!


Она должна быть в комнате Киры возле кровати.


I've been getting a ton of crashes once the second hypnosis session comes up. Once my game hard crashed to desktop the moment I exited the apartment complex, and the last time I actually got all the way there only for the game to hang fully during conversation with him. Edited as I ran into a bug that I've personally replicated a few times: I've gotten to the point where when you sleep in the hypnosis route you are encouraged to go streaking in the park. If you refuse to do so and simply click to go to sleep your screen goes completely black. You are still in the game and can click the bed to go back to sleep or move but there is nothing but a black screen. Reloading the save at this point just keeps the black screen and this has happened any time I have refused to go streaking.


I assume the pet snake grooming place can't be found yet?


the text is missing for the bar job at the back of the diner.


nevermind. when i closed the game and reloaded it the text came back. that's kinda wierd


OMS great update!


i seem to can not do the new you quest. can't complete step1 and i have been around floor 3 of the new you center


at night the going to the park event is triggered one night too early and then if you choose not to go to the park the game breaks with just a black screen.. actually all my savegames now start with a black screen :-o


Am I the only one how has crashs ? 'cause the game just shuts off without asking...


It happens because we have too many pictures, and we will fix that as soon as we can.


Lol why would u not want to go to the park

Timothy Crosby

can't get past certain points because of game crashes. Dig the game concept and art but hate game crashing.


I completely understand and we will fix that, it’s just a matter of time.