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Greetings, quick heads up - it will be out tomorrow.

Moana is testing things and I’m fixing my mistakes in art. Here’s an example from Kira’s character art, to give you an idea:

I know that no one probably cares, and it won’t be noticeable in the game, but I care.

Besides, I’m officially in a “headless chicken” mode, and so I’m also editing some old events to make certain minor improvements (It’s important to me).

I do not intend to sleep tonight, and I will just stop editing tomorrow. So it’s all good, the game will be out some time tomorrow with everything we promised to include, we will not release it “last minute” of last time-zone, it should have no game-breaking bugs (we haven’t found any) and a minimum amount of minor bugs that we potentially missed (we hope it will have zero bugs, but that’s unrealistic).

That’s pretty much it, one day left. As usual, thank you for your support - I’ll get back to work now.





Awesome work, can't wait to play!


great work, take all the time you need


Wow thanks you very much for caring this much about your game. To be honest, i’m actually working in the game industry and it’s always nice to work or to have somebody that dont count is hour for pushing the max out for the game even if it’s crush time and everybody is tired. Keep the good work! I’m sure it’s gonna be a great realese, but after I hope you will take some time for yourself too. It’s something to push a lot for a game, but make sure to not push yourself on your mind/body so you can go back even harder for the game/update!


Its finally here!


Can't wait!!


Tonight is night!


The hype is real!


I just spoke to Moana, it looks like we won't make it in time after all. This is not a big delay, but we will technically miss the deadline by releasing it at night/morning. Apologies for the inconvenience, we're cursed. I will release that public post I’ve mentioned at the same time as an update, and I will send out the update to everyone who pledged to us over the last 4 month, upon request.


Well. I understand first delay, second delay, but... miss deadline when you make promise day before? Really? Sad.


Honestly? I should be surprised but I'm not. Look i get delays are a thing but this is getting ridiculous again. You guys need to communicate and plan things out better because delays like this only make things a little more irritating.


If something gonna go wrong, its gonna go wrong. Take your time and release it when you think its good and ready.


So.... where is it? Is this all because of some pixels i couldn't really see through the red circles? The fact that it's delayed is annoying considering the anticipation but understandable if you're simply not ready yet, but why not even update us on this broken promise?

Kawaii poni

о разработка опять затянулась)) ну что сказать ждём))


I simply just ask, WTF?