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I think this will be the first time in the history of our game where we will release an update without making last minute edits and running around like headless chickens (Yay!)

We want to release it on the 30th, but just to be safe, I’m going to say that it will drop on 31st (not last minute, but still). With it I will publish that public post I’ve mentioned a couple of times already:

Everyone who pledged to us over the course of the last four month can dm me and I’ll send them an update, because I made a mistake of spontaneously making this update a giant one, instead of releasing it in chunks each month, and I want to make things right.

A lot of our problems with our "grope system" take root in miscommunication, even with my written guide and verbal explanations, Moana still did not fully understand what exactly I wanted this system to do.

And I, in turn, had no understanding of how she’s coding it, or the reality of what we can and can not do for technical reasons.

Thankfully we’re over it now, we achieved the most important thing - the system works, we will be able to revise it, add things to it, and all of it will automatically be shown everywhere we use it.

From other things we did this week:

- Small interaction at the start of the game in a residential area (not erotic).

- Three small random scenes when you’ll enter the Aug’s shop (not erotic, have conditions).

- Different background for gym gropings (different from gym squattings)

- Two slightly different versions of “crowd” for gym "grope" events on random (drawn crowd, instead of our usual shadows).

- Resaved and recoded 17 pictures needed for Katya’s gropings (twice, because of two stupid mistakes caused by our endless resavings)

- Found and fixed a ton of new bugs.

- Completely changed text in some places (had better ideas), and fixed some typos.

Right now we’re polishing things and doing more “word building'', small dialogues and references all over the game. There’s still a couple of things that I want to edit before releasing 0.4.7 (like art in some older events), and we definitely need to run through the gym a couple of times more to see all possible dialogue/appearance changes, but it is more or less complete.

With the gym chapter being closed, we will continue working on the farm and I can’t wait to share our ideas with you.

Based on the current state of the game, I’m sure that we will not delay it again and manage to release it before or on 31st of March.

I don’t have any exciting news or a teaser to share, because I haven’t drawn or did anything worth showing, for the most part, I just edited and adjusted existing artwork.

As usual, thank you all for your patience and support, hopefully you are all doing great, or at least okay, given that the prophecy was right and the end is indeed pretty damn close!


marty moth

Looking forward to it. Cant wait lol.


Hey after the update releases I think you and Moana should brainstorm some ways to speed up development of new content. Change your Patreon goals so we can support you in getting what you need to succeed (ie. hiring a new artist). You guys have a great game and we all love the art and writing... but the very slow release of content is preventing you from attracting more patreons. More content = more patreons.

Dr. Madness MNA

Shame I go back to work on the 30th...


I agree and we already have a plan, I'll talk about it once we will finish 0.4.7


Патча нет , но вы держитесь =)


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