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Howdy! Here’s what’s up: 

I felt like I’m on a bullet-train, putting rails in front of it as it goes. The conductor decided that it’s a great idea to improve a perfectly working train, by setting it on fire. While his second pilot - is a pilot on a train.  

Both I - the conductor, and my second pilot - Moana had no idea how hard something like this would be, and how much of our time it would require. We definitely bitten too much, but we intend to keep chewing. 

You shouldn’t get upset because of our game, our goal is to entertain you, and make you laugh with our silly ideas.

So, to apologise for our constant troubles with time, we will send our current update to everyone who pledged to us over the last four month. Just DM me and I’ll send you the link as soon as I’ll see your message. 

Thank you for your attention and showing interest in our game! 



Thank you for your honesty!


Hi, I made a pledge yesterday can you send me??


dont you need to be a patreon to send pms? I had made a pledge in the past 4 months how can i contact you for the update


I've made a misstake of making two posts at the same time - here's a post with an update for patrons, https://www.patreon.com/posts/v0-4-7-35513972


next to your avatar is the messages area. When you click in new message you will see Mulan avatar.


bus Station? End of conten?


Well done! Keep on making your great content and entertaining everyone with it! And stay safe!


Hey I just update my tier of patreon I think your game is amazing! Its you got a lot of polish on it gg