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Salutation! Here’s what’s up:

Sidenote: It was recently brought to my attention that I’ve accidentally misclicked and locked my previous post for 5$+ tiers, it wasn’t intentional, patreon changed their “post” process a couple of months ago and apparently I’m blind, it should be visible to every tier now.

With that out of the way, here’s our progress report:

We’ve been working on new events, fixing bugs and replacing old art with a new one, just as planned. The new version should be out on the 30th of September 2019, though probably at night, since, as per usual, we’ll need every extra hour we can get and we’re already “crunching”.

The only thing that will remain “locked” in v0.4.6 - is movie studio content, since we still need to change some stuff in there. I think we will unlock it with the first “farm” update, which should be the last “rework” related update. After it will be out - we’ll finally be able to focus solely on new content.

Speaking of new content, I’ve just finished working on new events, and there will definitely be two of them. With first one being - hypnosis:

This is 1/3 of what’ll actually happen in the new hypnosis event.

In fact, half of this picture won’t even appear on the screen, and even when it does - it won’t be for long, so I’m at peace with showing this teaser so close to the release date. Kira will be locked in the “horny” helmet if you’ll get caught snooping around, which will lead to something (hopefully) interesting and entertaining.

This particular hypnosis event is similar to “benevolence (public use fetish)”, of course the text and art is completely different, and this event focuses more on something “specific”. This “specific” thing will be added in later, probably as a repeatable event in prison/holding facility, once we’ll return to that part of the game.

That said, this event is the most complex one yet, since it has more poses on the screen than usual.

The second event will focus on “seduction”, and in a nutshell - dumb Kiras will suck a lot of dick, while smart Kiras will be able to avoid it entirely, or still suck a lot of dick (just by choice, and not because they’re too much of a ditz to do anything right).

There’s a couple of options as to how you can complete this seduction part, the artwork is pretty much the same in all cases, apart from some minor alteration - different partners, fluids etc. (the text is different though).

This quest also has two branching options, and I would really like to give you the “result” of your choices right of the bet, but I don’t think it’s realistic for me to think that I can still finish drawing and writing the third event this week, considering that we still have a lot of work.

Overall I’m happy with how “new you” quest turned out to be, it has a lot of options, uses your stats, hypnosis, has some amount of humor and branching choices.

We’ll do everything in our power to finish this update by the end of this month, it’s kind of hard to juggle new content with the rework still being in the making, but I believe we’ll manage.

Thank you for your support and your patience comrades!


John Smithe

Wonderful news! Looking forward to it!


Ooof, so much anticipation


the art looks great!


This hairstyle looks great on Kira! Is there any way we can have some basic customization options for Kira at the very beginning, like changing the new default Kira hairstyle? I think the game would be more enjoyable transforming an attractive Kira to an 'ideal' Kira versus playing a lot of the game with a Kira that some find unattractive.


Just to clarify, the hairstyle from this teaser is the default one:) I don’t think we’ll ever add a character customisation at the start of the game, since we use all physical changes in events and as rewards for certain quest. That said, you will be able to get all this stuff from in-game stores. Hairstyles at the mall, hips at the gym, breasts at “new you” and tattoos from prison. In case of hairstyles - some of them will be unlockable, “new you” unlocks the pink one regardless of your choices, and after that, you’ll be able to switch between them at the mall. Other hairstyles will be “buyable”, just for 10 rubles. I think it’s more interesting this way.


Those in-game store ideas for the customization sounds great! Will some of this customization be available with the upcoming version this month?


Yep, we already have character art for hips and three hairstyles. So I think we'll add both gym and salon relatively soon.