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Greetings! it’s been a while. We are currently extremely busy with the rework, I’m  redrawing existing art to be precise and I’ve been drawing, testing and planning together with Moana this whole month, it’s not as fun as creating new quests or events, but in the end I believe it’s necessary for us to proceed with the story.  

Above you can see current final version of Kira’s new character art. With how our new system is made, if we’ll ever decide to redraw her again, I’ll be able to change her artwork without redrawing every single outfit. 

I’ll make a post about the next update in a day or two (definitely before Thursday), I think new update will be out somewhere around the 5th of February. 

I still intend to conduct polls to determine the absolute worst/best scenario for Kira’s appearance, since we do need this information.  

Then I’ll create a picture for our “roadmap”, because it doesn’t look nice just in text, and I will showcase and explain this new backend system in both pictures and text. 

I probably should have posted all of that gradually over the month, but I was too busy with the artwork and frankly had nothing to show, since it all was “half-done”. 

Once again, thank you for your support and patience, especially this time.



Master Master

In my favorite uniform

Buzz Kill

Great improvement on the art work again! Can't wait to see it, in it's full glory!


Нарисовано красиво, да, деталей больше но, мне старая рисовка больше нравилась. Да, я вечно недовольный засранец, простите.


Very nice


Если это как-то утешит, она в анфас больше на старый арт похожа, так как нарисовано по тем же контурам.


She does look nice but also completely different. How will this affect the CGs, especially the older ones like the Chief's hypno sessions with older Kira art?


Yep, she's drawn from scratch, but I've tried to maintain proportions. Older art will be completely redrawn to match this.


Great! Looking forward to replaying the whole thing from the beginning with this new and improved art ^^


looks absolutely awesome. Love it.


I'll miss the old art, but this also looks superb


I'm impressed! Looks like I'm gonna have to play this game from the start, but I don't mind a bit. :)


I will miss the old art but this is good too.


I am not a fan of the new art, that over-glossed plastic looking body... just ewww (also, did she gain a cup size or two?). I'll wait to see how bad it is in game as (as long as you do a Feb release), but I'm probably not gonna be sticking around. Kinda sucks since the game's been fun so far, but I suppose every rework means some are happy, some leave. Was just one of the unlucky ones this time.


I'm sorry you feel that way, and yes she's gained a couple of breast sizes, both her hips and breasts are enlarged on this picture.


Ah, this is a transformation or two up the bimbo path? Or did you mean that she's gained a few sizes just in general?


Not necessarily on a bimbo path, they will also be buyable, but yes, this is a transformation.


Well, i like it I guess.


Are the bigger hips and thighs also a transformation? And will the new "nice girl"-ish facial expression be the standard one, or will she keep the old "bitchy and pissed" one as standard? I'm kinda in favour of the old one...


Ah, so that is NOT a default Kira then, thats good news.