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Salutations! Here’s a preview of the new character system that we’ve created with Moana. 
A bit about how it works: 
Each part of her body is placed strategically to not interfere with another. But it is still quite insane, especially with outfits on top. One might think that underwear should be on top of the naked layer, but no, not in Defenestration. So, there’s a “base” version of Kira, then there’s underwear, after that there’s her naked body and if she’s wearing something she has another naked body for the outfit, otherwise nipple might be shown through the jacket. 

Sidenote: art still needs some work, and every change will be optional.
We’ve created a system to work for the rest of the game, I think we’ve included everything there is. On this gif you can see the current “maximum” amount of everything, thought we will determine how many transformations she’ll need to get there, what will be the actual “max” size for her hips and breasts and the quantity of piercings, toys, tattoos, etc. 
Events will work in a similar fashion, they will too have unused files in them, this brings me to the sad part of this rework. It was physically impossible for me to draw everything in one month, we’ve spent too many hours on Kira’s new look and on planning and testing things out. There’s 24 events that require our attention, some need to be redrawn completely, others just need some editing. 
As for the text, here’s how it will work, Intelligence will determine what Kira will say, there will always be two lines of text for her existing at the same time. Above zero - she’ll speak normally, below - well, here’s an example:

So, intelligence is responsible for her overall speech, while Lust will be responsible for her “H-events”. It will be possible to play a smart and slutty Kira as well as dumb and modest one. In addition to that those stats will continue to serve their usual purpose. 
Defenestration also has hypnosis, and new event at the new you will lock your lust at 100 and (optionally) your intelligence at 0, so in a way it is a “shortcut” to Bimbo/Slut playstyle. Hypnosis will continue to exist and be referenced up until the game ends, on top of the Lust/Int stats. Alcohol will be sold and it will increase your Lust and Charisma but lower your Int for one day for fun and for events. 
Next thing on the topic of text, since we now have our whole physical and mental changes thing figured out, we no longer need to gate you from the content, so you will be able to go to "new you" right after Chief Officer’s sessions. Some characters and quests will start referencing Kira’s mental state and fame and you will be able to see tunnel/subway events in any clothing. 
Speaking of clothing, it will now have some purpose, apart from just looking rad. The percentage of random comments and events on the street will be determined by how revealing you’ll dress. 
As you can hopefully see, this isn’t something that we could physically do in one month. 
This month was mostly dedicated to Kira’s character art, next one will be spent on events and March on the dialogues. All of that breaks savefiles and the game, it all works well together, but pretty pointless on each own. 
 We’ve had to make some sacrifices and dedicate some of our dev time to creation of new events. This means that rework is now split into three parts.   
I think this might be interesting to some of you, our current “Roadmap”. It’s important to keep in mind that it might change at any moment (because of the polls, or because we’ll have a better idea, etc.). In any case, here’s what we want to do in the nearest future:

Next update will have a new room with bimbofication/slutification event, it will also use new character art, but it will unfortunately only work in that room. 
February update will have new events system and legion event, I’ll show some redraws here on patreon, but unfortunately you won’t be able to see that art in the game.
And finally March will have it all, character art, redrawn events, new text and a party quest, March is an important milestone, it will be exactly a year from v0.1. 
We want to tie all loose ends in Spring, so after the rework we will finish both New You Quest and Movies Quest, on top of that there’s a bunch of other stuff that we still need to do, I’ll try to squeeze it in our future updates. 
In conclusion, I cannot stress enough how important this rework is, it’s our fundament, the game logic, resources that we’ll use for up until the end of the game, and we should do this now, while the game is not too big. Up until this rework everything was chaotic and we were struggling with every new event. I truly believe that after all of this will be in place, the development will go smoother and faster.  
That said, the new update should be out next week, it won’t break your saves and it will have half of the new character art system plus “new you event”. I haven’t shown this roadmap to Moana yet, we’ve only spoken about it, so we might still edit it a bit.  
Yep, I definitely should’ve posted it in pieces over the month, instead of merging it all down into this one post. Thank you for your support and for reading, if you’ve made it this far:)   



I find it kinda funny that the low intelligence version would forget what beer is called but still be smart enough to know it contains some kind of grain in order to call it bread water. That's so stupid it almost wraps back around to being smart.

Master Master

Will there be an option to just walk around in a birthday suit?


Love the new look. Good work.


OMS! Uber-Kira delivery job is planned, good stuff... New artwork looks great


With premises all so excellent, I can't wait for Spring


Can't wait! Thanks for your hard work!


God damn this is exciting.


Beautiful, no awesome! Such a preview makes it definitely harder than usual to wait till the next update.


So many sandbox/free roam options and activities definitely sound interesting and very ambitious. As for body modifications - im glad theyre all optional since personally i find the default Kira the most attractive(maybe a tatoo or piercing here and there wouldnt hurt^^). BTW There are/will be several levels for BE but what about the option for breast reduction? I liked the size of her tits at the start of the game(before Olga made Kira undergo BE for the first time) ^^


An in-game choice for breast reduction would be awesome. Cow tits aren't everyone's cup of Leninade, even if they choose the "corruption" path.


Well said comrade. Kira can be a perfect lewd slut with medium sized boobs ^^

Bal tha mele

Wow! This is a considerable amount of work! Wonderful!


Yes, done, and it sounds very good. Keep it up and work with march.


Татуировки с пирсингом ужасны(


Это не финальные версии татуировок и пирсинга, они нарисованы чисто для превью и чтобы у Моаны была возможность вкодить новую систему без ошибок с слоями. Когда прийдет время, мы выберем каждую татуировку и пирсинг вместе через полы. Или вы про их существование в целом? Если так, то каждая татуировка и каждый пирсинг будет опциональным, впрочем как и все остальное)


Almost as good as sweet cherry pie and coffee, Fresh Mulan. Can't wait for the next updates.


I prefer the original burst.

Vladimir Smirnoff

Писали выше про уменьшение размера груди, может тоже сделать опциональным? Пирсинг с татухами must have)


В полах решим нужно ли вообще уменьшение добавлять, и если нужно то оно, как и все остальное, тоже будет опциональным)


I believe the term you are looking for is "Idiot Savant"


I'm actually kind of curious just how large a role the hypnosis will play. Is it just going to add flavor text to the game, or could it actually have an impact on parts of the plot. I know that the helmet caused some kind of memory block, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were also some loyalty triggers that were left floating around in there somewhere. Also, after Kria picks up the item from the New You facility, I wouldn't be surprised if the resistance used it on her.


Interesting, thank you.\


Обнову сегодня ждать?


Буквально только что пост выложили) еще пару дней нужно из-за проблем со временем, но в целом всё в порядке.