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Happy New Year comrades! The new update is finally here. With the rework going on I’ve had to choose between adding new events and redrawing existing art, I really wanted to include party quest in this update (yes, it exists and it’s 25 pages long), seemed fitting for the new year, but it would mean that I’d have to redraw it again in literally a week and potentially delay the next update. In fact, at this moment, every new event adds more work for me since I’ll need to change it for new system. The rework is definitely more important and we’ve decided to focus on it.

For that reason this update is not big, I was and still am busy with redrawing pretty much everything. In this update we’ve temporarily used the artwork from the most recent patreon poll, and it’s not yet final, this event serves as an example of what you can expect to see in the upcoming months. Once it will be ready, you’ll be able to see events like this one in every outfit (including subway encounters).

To further emphasize the importance of this, new character system will allow us to add stuff like new tattoos without the pain of manually changing existing code, and it would be easier for us to create new events in general. I will continue conducting polls for Kira’s new look in a couple of days, meanwhile here’s v0.4.2, I hope you’ll like it!



New npc character art

New artwork for Kira (preview, it’s not fully done yet.)

Random event submitted by VonDoom (Thank you VonDoom, very cool) It has three stages, last one was written by me, is repeatable and so far has four random variations of it (different text).

Requirements: Chief Officer’s hypnosis, have third breast size. You can avoid this requirement by using our usual trashbox in the subway (picture below)

First stage triggers at Red Square

Second - at GUM (shopping center)

Third - at the changing room (tailors shop), to see all four versions of it you’ll need to sleep and talk to her again. But, they are randomized, so you can just save and load instead.


The event was written for Bimbo Kira, I’ll either edit it in the future or I’ll write something else for non-bimbos.

I intend to advance this random event and it will give you random benefits like items and stats.

Kira appears naked in this event only because the new artwork for her is still in the making.

I think that’s all, but maybe I’m forgetting something. Thank you all for your support, it’s been an amazing year for Defenestration and I know that the next one will be even better:)



Hi there I am a new patron to this game I love the game man good work keep it up. I have be playing it publicly could not stop I become a patron I have downloaded the game but can't play it. what apps and things do you recommend using to play the game


Game can be played using the .exe on windows or the .html on linux/macs. Of course it has to be unpacked from archive first using any archivizer(winrar/7zip) Downloading the game from this post is done by clicking the orange version number . The .exe is located in the main game catalogue, the .html is located within the www/ catalogue. If you plan on using the html version I.d recommend firefox, as chrome has show problems with local access to game files in the past


thank yous both I appreciate it thank yous again

Longin Yann

i love your game. For the throd breast size how have that because on the old version i have only the first at the start and second un hospital 3 floor.


I really enjoy the game so far ( i think im even stuck because no events trigger lmao) but it needs a lot of fixing in the map itself (the events are really well done ) thanks for the content man really appreciated!


There is only two breast enlargement events. I've counted the initial breast size, before hospital and new you.


Помнится что кто то обещал что 0.4.2 будет полностью про "better you" , а вместо этого гипно-ивент на 5 минут игры с обещанием что дальше опять всё переделают... Хочется верить что в новом году контента будет больше и ещё интереснее чем в прошлом.


Будет больше и лучше, из-за того что мы ещё новые в этом деле, тяжело предсказать сколько времени нам нужно.

Bal tha mele

Awesome! This is so much fun! Thank you!


Hi, was trying to download it but mega said it was over the quota and I'd have to pay for membership, do you know of a way to get around this so I don't have to pay extra?

william wofford

simple wait about 12 hrs and try again it should let you do it , i support a lot of game i download with mega it pegs on me sometimes too ..... but if you can wait it out it should work


how do i transfer the memory from my last game to the update..dont want to start all over


Go to the game folder of an older version that has your saves (Defenestration\www) and copy the folder named "save" to the new version


Когда там уже обнова , играть вообще не во что =)


Love the new "bimbo" content! Hoping some new artwork will be included in some scenes associated with this event in the future. Its great to see this game progressing as much as it has, not so much the story but I get youre taking on things in other areas for the time being and with a game this size or at least what you're hinting at to be the final size, its only expected that its gonna take a long time to sort everything out