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Salutations! I wanted to update you on our current development situation. 

For those of you who do not know this. Back in August we’ve attempted to make two releases in a month, attempted is a key-word.  We’ve basically just shifted the whole development cycle by two or three weeks.  Ever since then we were trying to return our release date to normal “once per month, at the end of the month”. 

And I think that we should just stop trying to chase our own shadow and release v0.4 at the end of this month, instead of rushing out every update in a desperate attempt to catch up with our schedule. 

It is in our interests to update the game as often as possible, since new updates always bring us more exposure and supporters, but I don’t want to rush it out when it’s clearly not yet ready. It has a lot of stuff, everything that I’ve announced last week, and most of that still needs some polishing to work and look as intended.  

So what we are doing right now. While Moana is still busy with writing code and bug fixing I’m improving existing scenes both in text and in art departments, plus drawing new character busts, I’ve always wanted every npc to have character art, those shadow figures are just placeholders, if anyone was wondering.  

I think in Defenestration delays are unavoidable, but hopefully, once v0.4 will be out, they won’t be as severe. As for v0.4, I want to say that it will be out by the end of this week, but at this point, I’m afraid to name a date. So, starting from this month, expect the game to be out by the end of each month with occasional delays, of course I’ll release it as soon as it will be ready. Thank you for your patience, understanding and support! 



Thanks for the feedback! Even though I was counting the hours for this update release, I definitely agree with you that you shouldn't feel rushed to release a new update before its time. It's this appreciation for quality that you and Moana have that make each update so worth waiting for.


есть две игры (ессно, это одна из них), за разработкой которых я слежу. и обе (что забавно, обе подходят к 0.4) понравились тем, что в них нет шгг "по умолчанию", т.е. именно фактом того, что гг сопротивляется.


how long must proletariat suffer? leaders give us one false promise after another, one more week and i might lead the revolution against the delays!


It is our Government’s top priority right now! Unlike provision, medication, utilities or human rights. That is all capitalistic shenanigans.


Pressing F5 like there is no more vodka.