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Salutations! We’re still working on the next update and I’m pretty confident that we will release it by the end of this week.

The whole delay is due to the fact that V0.4 is the biggest update yet content-wise and I don’t want to cut pieces out of it. It will have:

New character art.

Continuation of the side quest with Legion from v0.3.7 with another H-event.

Random encounter that leads to free outfit (from the poll)

Waitress job will get another shift, with eight randomized orders and two scripted one time deals. You’ll be able to get new Movie job in there, or by receiving a message on your terminal (rebel’s base).

New location - “Mosfilm” with a new job. You’ll need to convince the casting director to hire you. It can be done in two ways:

You can either comply and complete “Casting” on his terms (H-event).

or use your Charisma, which you’ll be able to buy from an acting coach (up to three times).

This Movie job is a bit different, because it has three parts:

“Propaganda shooting” which is repeatable and has a minigame in it;

“Advertisement shooting”, which is responsible for posters and banners in the city;

And “Movie shooting”, which is a whole new quest chain that will eventually lead to Kira being recognised by everyone in the city.

All three parts of this job have scenes attached to them. Like the one you’re seeing above. I’ve conducted a poll not so long ago about Kira’s part in this Movie, and “villain” option had won, so here she is as a villain:) I’m currently finishing art for those scenes, including this one, it’s not yet game-ready. Other stuff is pretty much done, unless something goes horribly wrong.

Thank you for your support and your patience!




Sweet! Cant wait :)


То есть в 0.4 ничего связанного с гипноивентом не будет?


Физ изменениям и гипнозу будет посвящен весь следующий апдейт, этот на работах завязан. А вообще в нем контроль разума будет, как в 0.7.3 и как всегда розовый текст где уместно, рандомный ивент тоже завязан на гипнозе, но он не очень большой.


darn, wish something like a hero option won for the movie. I prefer it when kira is submissive xD


Damn, that really sounds like a lot of content. Well done ^^


Oh wow, Mulan! You and Moana are doing an awesome job! Really looking forward to this update.


Please tell me that I'm not the only one who saw that picture and thought to themselves: "Man, headbutting with that crown must have hurt."


Also, I really hope that Kira has to channel Bloodthirsty Kira while playing the villain, I think she would get a kick out of that.


Fantastic image, great work to you and Moana for that. Which outfit won the poll anyway?


Fourth one, but we will also include the second version as a buyable one, thanks to our “General Secretary” tier.


Well, you never know, she could start out a hero, and then end up mind controlled into becoming the villain. If I remember correctly, several of the propaganda films used in the USSR featured the idea that American ideology corrupts people and turns them evil. This film could be another one of those films, and Kira just plays the character that winds up becoming the warning against America and capitalism.


Just something that came to mind, but I thought I would bring it up. In an earlier post, I mentioned that the movie job might have Kria start out as a hero, but then become mind controlled into being a villain. I think that it would actually be kind of interesting if the leaders of the KGB actually used the hypnosis scenes in the movie to hypnotise the audience and reinforce the brainwashing they got when they put on the helmet we saw at the beginning of the game. Of course, if you wanted to, you could actually have Kira become hypnotised while making the movie as well, then after several takes of the scene, she would become more dedicated to spreading propaganda, even if she doesn't actually believe in it herself. She would just be conditioned to prise the party whenever the opportunity came up.


Interesting idea, maybe at the premiere I'll make everyone wear some 3d goggles and that how it will happen, thanks!)


How do I get to the rebels base and what do I do with the squatboi and how do I get to prison


Is there a walk through


You need to either use it from your inventory, or click on ten monitors with Lenin's head, they're all around the city. Then you'll be sent to factory, then prison and finally to the rebels base.


I clicked on them 10 times nothing has happened


For main story it says use squatBoi from inventory


I think you need to click on it, it should be in your inventory, under "key items", and then it will tell you what to do next.


That's the problem I click on it and it says nothing


Okay, I'm not sure what might be wrong. In this quest you need to talk with Katya at the mall, then pay her 15 rubles, then use this item in your inventory and then click on 10 monitors. I'll check this issue right now, just to see if there's a bug.


Okay thank you


Where am I suppose to use the item


Just checked it. Everything works fine for me. Can you send me your save files please? They're in "www/save" folder, I also need "global.rpgsave" and "config.rpg" save. You can pm me here, message me on discord, or email me at freshmulan@gmail.com


Press ESC button, then "item" and then "key item" and finally use squatboy


Still didn't work am I suppose to be a certain place when I use it


But the don't even highlight when I click on them


Never mind it just worked


I've send you a screenshot just in case. But you just need to press an enter key a couple of times. There is a chance that you're playing a wrong version of the game, latest release is v0.3.7a


Any news on when the update will be released?


We're still working on it, probably tuesday since I won't have a lot of time tomorrow.


Да когда же уже эта знатная обновка то ? =)


На этой неделе точно) Естественно постараемся как можно раньше её выпустить.

Longin Yann

hi today is the day of the new version ?


Hello, unfortunately no, I need some extra time. I'm going to make a post today explaining my reasonings and updating everyone on the news.

Longin Yann

Ok thanks to you


Can I get the latest version please?