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(urgent yells)

I see in your eyes the same hope that would  take the heart of me. The day may come when the courage of Men fails; when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship; but it is not this day - an hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the Age of Man comes crashing down - but it is not this day!!! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth - I bid you stand! 

By which I mean today is not the day of update. 

v0.4 is still raw, we’ve bitten more than we could chew, and need some extra time. I’m aware that I’m delaying it for the third time now - it will haunt me for the rest of my life:) Fingers crossed, it will be ready by wednesday, meanwhile here’s another preview picture to brighten up the waiting.

Thank you for your patience, support and understanding. 




Nice Quote. Any chance we will see giant robots soon? 😉


Хотим такие шмотки как на картинке в игре)


Что то подобное будет в итоге, когда наконец-то вернемся к основному сюжету)


Wednesday?! You mean my birthday?! Well, thanks for the gift, mate!!


(urgent yells) But look at that QUALITY (less yells, few sighs) and that HUMOR (small chuckles) and would you look at that ART (drolling)


Well, the only thing I can say is that so far I am loving the game, I would suggest not rushing the story in anyway. I know it can be annoying at times but the 'slow burn' is some times a good thing because the pay-off (Kira becoming more corrupt/losing her identity) makes more sense to story progression and doesn't feel rushed, thus giving the player more satisfaction especially when the climax of story eventually comes about. More to the point about the delays I can certainly understand and if the update is as big as you are hyping it to be then no worries, i think most people won't bat a eye as long as the delays do not become a regular thing and any future updates that end being 'large' in size comes with a more honest and realistic date. Anyways thanks for the game, this is becoming my top 5 games to play in this genre.


Really hyped for the next release. This game really got me. It's good to have this kind of alternate futur instead of the typical fantasy universe. The musical atmosphere is really good too, I personnaly love this synth ambiance : a mix of nostalgy from the 80s and this bit of disturbing feeling, that fit perfectly to the game (such as some recent Scandroid (aka Celldwelelr) stuff). And of course, the whole mind manipulation thing is quite good too ! Keep up the good work !


обнову сегодня ждать?)


Maybe it's just me... but I'm not seeing anything...


Don't forget, he's on an odd time zone. I think it's still 11 AM for him.


So, it's Wednesday...




the comrades are waiting


The "today, almost there" was 15h ago. Did something unexpected happen?


My inability to evaluate time. Otherwise everything is fine, I'm still working on it, it should be up in a couple of hours.


I think the refresh button is broken.