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Productivity has ground to an impressive (and depressive) halt. Doesn't mean I don't have stuff to share. This week's topic is therefore 40k (mostly). I think only the penultimate of these ever made it to FA, so here goes as to what we're seeing.

Starting out with a lantern demon my Dark Heresy group had to deal with in the campaign I ran, in color and greyscale. Remember back to the May 4th upload, the Lady of Change? This little guy was a familiar of hers, though as is so often the case with Tzeentch, his true allegiance and the actions he took within the context of the story were as muddy and incomprehensible as far as purpose goes as any other demon of the changer of ways. However, everything went just as planned.

Next up, the active counterpart to Tzeentch's schemes in that campaign, the Demon Prince Gorgotho. The group had actually run into him earlier in the campaign, when he was still masquerading his true self as a brothel owner. Several sessions later, this obscene mass of foul meat assaulted the group in hopes of stopping them from engaging the big bad, fulfilling a prophecy and ushering in the end of that world. Needless to say, he failed, because my players, being good acolytes, banished Gorgotho in an epic fight. Not that he didn't warn them about the trap they were walking into, but that's never stopped any true servant of the God Emperor, has it X3

Moving on, after wrapping up my campaign, another of the group picked up the mantle of GM and I now play a Kriegsman by the name of "2615". Yes, he has his mask off, which is part of my playing the character. Think of that what you will :b

Next up, another character for Dark Heresy. This one is meant for when 15 inevitably dies some horrendous death at the hands of some heretic or xenos or whatever, after he charges in for maximum damage and losses. If it's not obvious, this guy is a mutant and he's none too shy about it either, which should create some interesting character dynamics given the groups current make up.

This next one you will have seen already and is not directly related to 40k. I just put it into this pack because it's another human-centric one. Not much to say about it. Another Inktober prompt, this one being "box"

And finally, the only truly new thing I can present this month; an image I finished yesterday for Sandow of his flying fox potions master Flavius, looking like he's not entirely sure what's happening in that cauldron of his, but that doesn't seem to be stopping him from having his spirit helper continue to pour that stuff in there X3 was a lot of fun to draw and I'm fairly sure my first ever bat in an image like this.




I don't know much about the Warhammer universe but something i have admired since a few years back is potion crafting! Experimenting, brewing new things, there is a whole world to discover there! Perks my feline curiosity

Tygon Panthera

Creepy little fellow... Very cool 40K art. I miss Dark Heresy... Anyway, final picture is really cool too. Love the pose and the expression. Looks both afraid and curious in equal parts :)