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Greetings! This is just a quick note to let you know that all the art for the scene is done; I just finished up postwork on the images today. I'm not really sure why, but when planning this scene out I gave it a lot of shots (i.e., images.) Like, it has 25 images, which definitely makes it one of the longer ones in terms of image count. This is probably the biggest factor in it taking so long to finish up.

Anyway, what remains is to go over the script again, probably rework it a bit, and then put it into the game. Not exactly sure how long that will take, but I'd be surprised if the release isn't out within a week. As a reminder, 10.3 (the upcoming release) will consist solely of this H-scene; 10.4 will get back to story content (but more about that later.) Also, the plan I'm rolling with right now is to have you buy the item needed to initiate the scene from Boss Kobold with a shinestone. However, this will require you to actually have a shinestone to give him, and as of right now the only one in game is from that really hard puzzle room from the 2nd visit to the Oracle. I'm not super wedded to that idea, though, so if you have any concerns about that you should speak up soon! 

Thank you for your support - hopefully you won't have to wait much longer!




As I'm not a big fan of minigames and puzzle, I hope there will be another way to get a shinestone. Or another way to initiate the scene with the Boss Kobold.


I on the other hand enjoy mini games.