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Greetings! It took far longer than I expected, but it's finally done. First the link, then I'll talk a little about the release:

Google Drive


This release consists solely of an H-scene where Ana gets duplicated and Alex has two... *very different* Anas to deal with. It's a very long scene; it has 25 images, which is probably the largest I've done, and the writing is pretty long as well. You get the scene by purchasing an item from Boss Kobold in town. To buy it from him, you need:

1. A shinestone

2. You need to have seen at least 8 H-scenes

At present there's only 1 shinestone in the game, which is in the hard puzzle room from the second visit to The Oracle. With easy mode enabled you bypass that room, which I recognize as a problem for players who aren't terribly fond of puzzles. I haven't yet decided what to do about that yet; I may make a small quest that allows you to get a shinestone, or perhaps something else. At any rate, 10.3.1 (assuming it doesn't end up being a bugfix) will probably include some way of addressing that issue.

The delay was a bit frustrating. The writing had some problems and I had to redo a lot of it... and I got stuck on a couple of parts. Also, the python tool I wrote to convert Scrivener scripts to RPG Maker events wasn't working on my new computer for some reason, and I had to go back and troubleshoot it. (The scene was way too long to copy/paste everything.)

Oh, last thing: NWJS, the engine RPG Maker MV is built on, now has official Apple Silicon support, so I updated to that version for the ASi build. I haven't done a thorough test of it, and switching NWJS versions sometimes causes problems, so please let me know if you encounter any.

Anyway, the release is out, and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for your support!




😄✌️😄✌️😄✌️😄✌️😄✌️It`s tooltim...ähem Playtime😄✌️ I wish happy christmas and peaceful holidays


Quickfix for those hankering. The shinestone is itemid 80, and though rpgmaker is resistant to CheatEngine tampering, save editors exist and you can just make it so you possess 1 of item id 80 pretty easily. Merry Christmas.