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Ana Weight Poll

  • "Current" Ana (Keep her as she is) 48
  • "Chunky" Ana 19
  • "More Chunky" Ana 12
  • 2023-11-14
  • —2023-11-24
  • 79 votes
{'title': 'Ana Weight Poll', 'choices': [{'text': '"Current" Ana (Keep her as she is)', 'votes': 48}, {'text': '"Chunky" Ana', 'votes': 19}, {'text': '"More Chunky" Ana', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 24, 18, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 14, 18, 1, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 79}


Greetings! The move took a bit longer than expected, so I'm still not done with 10.3... you should expect it soon™, but in the meantime I do have some things to share and get your feedback on! In addition to a bunch of images, this post has a poll about the weight for Ana's character model. The poll's at the bottom, but if you want to know more about the motivation for this, read on!

Ana's Weight

Ana was always meant to be a little chunky. Not obese by any means, but visibly packing a few extra pounds. Other characters - and Ana herself - frequently comment on this; sometimes it's blurting things out without thinking beforehand about how it sounds (Alex usually,) and other times it's to pick on her, often in a good-natured way (Emily.) Val certainly enjoys picking on Ana (often not in a good-natured way,) but I think she may also hope to shame Ana into (as she sees it) improving herself.

At any rate, Ana's weight is a regular topic of conversation. Probably more than I intend, but it remains so nonetheless. What always strikes me when working with Ana's character model, however, is the fact that it's not at all overweight. There may have been a scene or two where I temporarily bumped it up a bit (the AVA Threesome, I think?) but the base model I use to start new scenes is definitely height-weight proportionate. Fit, even. And calling that model fat - even in a joking way - seems bizarre.

Ana was always an obvious romantic interest, so I think I may have avoided making her character model chunky to broaden her appeal. But whatever the reason, I've begun to wonder if her model should be brought more in line with how she's portrayed in the game. I'm not really sure, so this seemed like a good thing to take a poll on!

Poll Images

The following images have three different Anas: "Current" is Ana as she has been in most of the H-scenes up to this point. "Chunky" and "More Chunky" are two heavier versions, with the latter being the heaviest. I personally think they're all hot - in slightly different ways - but I'm interested in which one you prefer!

Let's start with the boring ones first:

This one is meant to show Ana in day-to-day life. Not sexy, but I kinda like it.

Here we get to a sexy one. Kinda screwed it up a little, but oh well.

This one's mostly meant to show her butt, but also gives you a better idea of her overall figure:

And my favorite one, I did this one because... well, just because I wanted to :D

The one at the top is the "More Chunky" version, by the way. Not saying it's my favorite one in general, but it probably is for this picture.

The Poll

So the question is: which version of Ana do you prefer? Please cast your vote, and if you have any thoughts to share, please leave a comment!

This poll won't affect 10.3's scene - it's pretty close to done already - but it will affect future ones. In other news, the new computer is performing quite well - it renders 4-5 times faster than my old laptop! (And it was a good laptop.) One of the nice things about being able to render so quickly is being able to play and experiment without it eating up too much time. I probably wouldn't have done this little project otherwise - it involved a lot of rending! But in addition to helping resolve the question in the poll, it was good to help me get back in the swing of things. I'm looking forward to more experimenting once 10.3 is out! And I'm not going to throw another date out there, but it really is pretty close to done. I hope you like all the pictures - please let me know what you think, and thank you for your support!



I wouldn't mind her being a little taller then Alex, but I like her current weight.

Cosmic Architect

I have to agree that I've had similar thoughts about her being a little too thin for her story before. The chunkier model suits her and isn't un-sexy in the least. It would be way less jarring for me personally if one of the latter two models were chosen. It may not be the majority opinion, but I'm glad to see that a solid 40% of the player-base is on a similar vein with it.


Personally, I would say "More Chunky" Ana. Her current model is too thin. Even her most chubby option isn't bad. Ignore the poll. I suspect that all the crowd voting for current Ana cares about is the size of her cock compared to the rest of her frame. How about as a secondary poll on this matter you follow it up with renders where each chunkier version of Ana has an obviously progressively larger cock and see how that does?


"More Chunky" Ana would be the best choice. Not every woman in the game needs to have the body of a super model.