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Greetings! I just wanted to inform you that I'm not quite finished with the Oracle quest. I wanted to wait until I was done to post about it, but it's probably better for everyone (and the project) if I stick to weekly-ish updates, even if I'm not able to report as much progress as I'd like.

I'm working on the last scene for it, and I think I'll probably be done in a couple of days. After that, I'll resume work on the largest quest for the next release, the one where you seek help from The Hell, the PvP guild which you've encountered a few times already. I've done a fair bit of planning work for it already, and I don't think I'll need to create any new mechanics for it or anything, so that should help with getting it done quicker.

The Poll

There's a scene I've been wanting to do for a while - and that I'd originally planned to do in 0.10 - but I think it would look much better if I were able to do it in Blender. I'm not quite ready for that yet - I want to get the new Blender hair done for everyone first, and that's still a little bit off. (It's mostly Blender's particle and smoke effects I want, if you're wondering.) So, I'm considering doing another scene instead, and this seems like a good opportunity to find out what you'd like to see!

These descriptions will be extremely vague, both so that they don't give anything away and because the ideas aren't fully fleshed out yet, but hopefully there's enough for you to figure out which sounds most interesting to you:

  • Alex and Ana return to The Playroom
  • Alex and Val go to The Playroom
  • Alex, Ana and Val go to The Playroom
  • Alex gets roped into something strange in The Playroom
  • Alex tries on dresses with Val (and possibly Sami)

Please let me know which sounds more interesting, and thank you for your support!



Dang, I should've added something with Emily. Too bad I can't edit these things once they're posted. (The poll part, anyway)

Dark Rooster

How about Alex, Ana, Val and Emily? :) It looks like everyone is voting along the lines of "the more the merrier"

Giles Corey

Sami shows up and Gives Ana two? ;D But in all seriousness four people scenes are a bit messy by my taste. I for one hope most sex acts fall under the 3some line and don't get too impersonal or complicated.


Oh I at least didn't vote that way because I like more people in scenes. It's just the Alex Ana Val scene is still my absolute favorite and any reiteration of that combo is going to be golden. Val's reluctant surrender to Ana's enormous cock is pretty kino. If there was just an Ana Val option for some one on one time with Ana domming her into a puddle that'd be my ideal choice.

Dark Rooster

I like Giles's idea but instead of two penises for Ana. Have Sami give one temporaraly to Val so she can fight for dom with Ana.


Or just have Val learn a new spell. Wouldn't put it past the warlocks to have a spell like that for specific situations.

Giles Corey

I like seeing Val cut down a peg. So I'd be against her getting a cock. I'm more or less with Simple, I just want more of Val getting futadommed. I'd recommend that Sami join in domming Val, but there is plot armor preventing that scenario.


what about everyone plays dress-up


Call to action, we need to get dress-up on top~ Speaking of which, I wouldn't mind Emily and Alex having some girl talk, either...