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Greetings! The poll for the next scene is now complete, and it was a close one. Summing results both here and at the other site, the results are:

  • Alex & Ana: 9 votes
  • Alex & Val: 1 vote (lol)
  • Alex, Ana and Val: 39 votes
  • Alex gets roped into something strange: 28 votes
  • Alex plays dress-up with Val (and maybe Sami): 38 votes

So, it looks like Alex, Ana and Val win by a single vote! I admit I don't yet know what I'm going to do for this one, but I'm sure I'll think of something interesting. I'm tempted to work in some dress-up play since the vote was so close, but I haven't yet decided. Hmmm...

In other news, I finally finished the writing and such for the Oracle quest, and I'm now working on the next one (which is the main quest for this release.) It hasn't just been writing, though - I've also been working on art stuff and have a couple of images to share! As you may recall, I mentioned I was learning about hair in Blender, and I'd said that Emily would be my first project with it. Well, I did a fair bit of work and eventually came up with something I feel okay sharing. The first image is how Emily's hair looks now, and the second is what I made in Blender.

You may notice Emily's face looks pretty different in the Blender pic; I was trying something new with her look, but I didn't end up liking it that much, so I'll probably change her face to look more like the older version. Still, I think the hair looks pretty decent. I'm still doing some work on it, so this isn't the final form, but I kinda wanted to share some of what I'd been working on.

Please let me know what you think, and thank you for your support!



I mixed up which image was which when I originally posted. The bottom one is the new Blender hair.


Night & Day Difference! Like the new hair!


That would be a nice scenario if you combined the dress up scene.

Kazuma Skultum

Loving the new look for the hair.

Giles Corey

P glad this scene won, I'd be bummed to be waiting for a non sex scene.


The dress-up scene would've had sex, the dress-up would just have been a prelude to that.