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Greetings! I was in the mood to do a sexy render, and Emily seemed like a good subject. I hope you like it!

So... Emily's hair is kinda messed up. It always has been, unfortunately. It's the product of an attempt to make typical Daz hair (which uses 2D strips with clever transparency maps) look a little less Dazzy. It certainly does, but the 2D geometry just looks bad. As I mentioned before, though, I've been experimenting with Blender's hair system, and I think giving Emily a new 'do will be the first major project I try to tackle with it. I think it'll be easier to re-create Emily's style in Blender than it will be to re-create Alex's, and I want to have a little experience under my belt before I start messing with Alex and Ana! So, Emily's having a bad hair day, but hopefully she'll have that sorted out the next time you see her.

As far as game news goes, I've completely finished the challenge levels for the trip to the Oracle, but I'm still working on the dialogue and such. There's not much left, fortunately. And in other game news, a remake of the original Nier will be coming out soon, and I'm super excited about it! Nier is one of my all-time favorite games... probably because of Kaine <3  But Grimoire Weiss was an awesome character, too, and was a heck of a lot more memorable than those dumb robots they gave you in Automata. And man, I've been listening to the soundtrack from that game pretty regularly for about the past 8 years. It's amazing. Anyway, to help motivate myself, I've resolved not to play it until the release is out. But you're under no such restrictions, so I highly encourage you to check it out! Thank you for your support!




OG Nier's coming out? A canon futa game made by a cool dev with fun autism? Count me in. It comes out in like 3 weeks tho. Gonna be a strug waiting for it.


Glad to spread the word! BTW, the remake is based on Nier:Replicant (the JP version, where the protagonist is vaguely high school age) instead of Nier:Gestalt (the western version, where the protagonist is an older buff dude.) I'm curious to see how it's going to change the feel.

Giles Corey

It will likely make it strictly better for most people. But you're right that a different age for the mc will tacitly change how all other characters relationships with him are perceived.


At least one of the relationships is explicitly different - Yonah (the person he's trying to save) is the protagonist's sister in Replicant whereas she's his daughter in Gestalt. But yes, I expect the relationship with Kaine will feel very different. She's older than the young version of the PC but younger than the old version of the PC. I doubt the dialogue will be very different but the feel certainly will. Exciting! I got rid of my PS3 long ago, but I kept the Nier disk just so I could try to run it on an emulator (which I haven't done yet.) Now I won't have to! Though I wonder how the PC version will handle the ending where you have to permanently lose all your saves in order to {redacted}. The characters in the original Nier were so much more compelling than Automata's characters. I was surprised Automata eclipsed the original's popularity by so much - Automata was better as a game, but the original Nier was so much more memorable as a story/experience. I expect the revamped original will make the game's mechanics more like Automata, which should correct the only major flaw it had (IMO.) I expect great things - hope I'm not disappointed!

Giles Corey

You're definitely right. Automata was more polished and 2B's ass is famous for a reason. But OG Nier had a more gripping and mysterious setting. Unfortunately for Automata, I think a lot of this is chalked up the the world being barren and full of robots. They couldn't really have made the planet more engaging simply because of the plot. Also since nearly everyone is an android, all their character development is just "I have robo autism/am naiive".