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Greetings! I've just about finished up the challenge levels for the second trip to the Oracle. I'm putting a few finishing touches on them now, but I expect to finish that up in the next day or two, then I can move on to actually writing dialogue for the quest (which I'm kind of excited about!)

I thought I was done writing code for the mechanic, but it turns out there were a lot of edge cases I hadn't considered that require special handling (the screenshot you're looking at exemplifies several of them.) I got it sorted out, though. I actually got a little down while making levels because I'd convinced myself there wasn't anything interesting I could do with the mechanic after spending all that time on it. But just after I'd lost all hope I came up with a really neat little puzzle! (At least I think it's neat. You're looking at part of it, BTW.) It's actually a little difficult, so I'm debating whether I should give this section an easy mode that bypasses it. There'll be a reward for completing it, though, so if there is an easy mode make sure to try it on normal first!

I'm hoping to get the writing for this quest finished up next week, then I can move on to the second quest (which will be the longest for this release.) I've already done some planning work on it, so hopefully I'll be able to hit the ground running. Thank you for your support!



Giles Corey

I'm glad to hear the weeds are behind you.