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Development for 0.6 has been proceeding apace. Since my last check-in, I've written the summaries for the H-scenes, planned out all the shots, and completed about a third of renders. Mind you, this doesn't include postwork, which is considerably more involved than it used to be, but setting up the renders themselves is still the hardest and most time consuming part by far.

I've also been working on character designs for the Bunnies, and I'm planning to add character portraits for them to the dialogue boxes in 0.6! Here's some sample ones I did for Val:

You may not be able to tell, but I changed her design quite a lot - again. I think this is the last time, though - I'm pretty happy with it now.

I also made some for Cory, and I'm curious what you guys think of 'em:

This is my second attempt at making male elves - hopefully it's a bit better this time. If you have any critiques, please let me know soon - I'll take a break from Bunny design for the next few days to try and finish up the H-scenes, so there's still time to make adjustments. (By the way, I know I need to clear up around his ears a bit - I just wanted to let you guys see where I'm at right now.)

I'll be adding conversation portraits to ALL dialogue with the Bunnies, including the stuff in 0.5. I'm sure I'll probably miss adding 'em to a few lines here and there, so I'm counting on you guys to keep me honest! I think it will be a big help, though; I haven't tested it or anything, but I think they probably do help people engage more with the characters. And that goes for me too! Making these portraits really helps me get to know them in a way that just writing about them doesn't.

I've also finished my planning for the dungeon, so I'll start actually creating it soon. As I mentioned a little while ago, I'll be switching enemy graphics out for those made by Aekashics in 0.6. I'm doing it for two reasons - first, his stuff is in a really colorful, cartoony style that I think will go well with this game, and second, because many of his enemies are animated! Now, a lot of them aren't - I don't want to create the expectation that they all are, but many are and animated enemies are a lot of fun! Anyway, I've identified all the Aekashics battlers I'll be switching out for the default RPG Maker ones, so all that's left to do is stick 'em in there.

Well, that's all for now. As I mentioned further up, my next push is getting all the H-scenes done. Once that's complete, I can start doing all the scripting, eventing, and writing.

Please let me know if you have any feedback on the portraits! And thank you for your support!



Maybe I've gotten the characters mixed up but I though Val would look a bit, well, bitchier.


I'd describe her less as bitchy and more as haughty, like how a princess commands her servants.


I actually really like this portrait of Val, really visualizes her haughtiness! And Cory actually looks as boy-ish as I imagined him to be since, after the conversation with him on the party night, I imagined him to be as this pre-mature adult who's looking to grow up to be a man :)


By the way, will you be adding the portraits to all dialogue? Looks like I'll have to replay the game once more! :D


Fair enough. Unfortunately [unless I missed something] she isn't a princess, they aren't her servants, and a lot of real princesses would never talk to a servant that way. But I can see what you mean.


I conceptualize her more as "self-centered brat" than "bitch", though I concede it can be a thin line.


Yes, my current plan is to add portraits to all Bunny dialogue currently in game. Also, all the enemies should look different, so it might be worth replaying a bit for that too. I'll be reworking H-scene progression too - mostly to make it easier to find them - so there's that as well. :)


Awesome! Now I'm looking forward to seeing the other three Bunnies as well. I imagine the leader to look like scatter-brained 25 year old who's kinda like "whatever...", Shiri to look like a young homely girl (about 21), and Jovi to look like a neophyte, ambitious, bright-spirited teen.


I'm surprised you didn't pull a "whore's divorce" joke during the hors d'oeuvres scene, though that would have killed the joke you already had in mind. :)


Brat is good. Brats can learn. I've met some truly successful people in my life and they've all been pretty cool. It's been the wannabees that have been the problem.


I'm not seeing Ana putting up with her attitude very long though. A brat like Val needs push back to grow. It would be good for her.


Cool, we can play the 6.0 with, maybe, more outfit for the sprite, and see more the h-scene ^^