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Progress continues on 0.6! I'm about 2/3 of the way done with the H-scenes, and I've had an opportunity to work on a lot of other stuff as well. 

The recollection room is now up and running. My intent was to do an overhaul of the H-scene progression system at the same time I implemented the recollection room - since they kinda go together - but I decided to leave it for 0.7. I'm aware that one problem with the game is the fact that people miss a lot of the H-scenes. The way things are currently structured, if you miss one or two of them that can lock you out of many others. That's obviously not ideal - there should either be multiple ways to get to scenes, or at least an easy way to get back on track if you miss something. I did a lot of the conceptual work needed for the overhaul this week, but there are a ton of details to work out that I need to carefully consider, and I don't want to have that delay 0.6.

I've also been looking at class design and combat. Though my concept for the game always involved WoW-esque 'don't stand in the fire' challenges, RPGM combat was never a big focus for this game. Still, since I'm introducing more characters, I have to introduce more classes, and this means having to think more about those classes and what their roles are in the game. In short, I've been thinking more about combat.

I've got my concept worked out for the classes and I'm currently implementing it, so combat will hopefully be a bit more interesting in 0.6. It's still not going to be a major focus of the game, but if people like it, I may put in some optional content, like an arena or something. I'm also sure I'll need to tweak it in 0.7 based on your feedback - I doubt I'll get it exactly right on the first try, but hopefully there will be a core of something fun there.

I've also been writing events, a process that will continue over the next week. I'll be on the road for the next few days, but I'll be able to continue work on my laptop, so it shouldn't affect my output much.

Thank you very much for your support!



In the city you're in I would think there are matches between slaves in arena, various slave training classes, and proper ways of interacting with frees or be immediately punished. I am sure the slaves would need to wear something to indicate who owns them. The slave classes would be from serving, social protocols for slaves, and ways to please ones owners. I would think people would tell our heroes about the classes. The other sex slaves might tell Alex secrets of how to please her master and the frees would tell Jan what she is doing wrong with treating her slave. Lots of possibilities for sexy and embarrassing dialogue with npcs. I would like to see, if possible, a branch of play of Alex along in the city and then switch to Ana until they are back together. Ana could rescue Alex from an embarrassing or painful situation, or not. It would affect each other attitude toward each other. Or Alex could try out some of the secrets on Ana she learned from the "other" sex slaves to please her.


I am sure I got the names wrong. If I don't play a game often I forget names.


I know that I shouldn't be asking this, but... Got an ETA for the release? :)


I'm trying really hard to have it out before the end of the month. Whether I'll succeed or not is another question...


Don't worry, we already know the answer to that. *pats back*


Oh, and... where's mah cheesecake? :'(


Just discovered Proteus Effect by sheer dumb luck, and I... LOVE IT. The artwork is good, the writing is -really- good. The characters are very easy to like, and the dialogue is a sheer joy to read. In a way, I almost wish I didn't discover this for yet another year, as I'd love to delve deeper, and play it even more. I'm really looking forward to the next release :)


Sorry about the slow response, but thank you very much :D I'm glad you like it, and I think you'll enjoy 0.6 ;)