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I'm currently working on Val's design - I'd been reading and watching stuff lately about color theory and character design, and I learned a few things that I hope will help make my work more interesting. I'll get out an omake pic with her as soon as I'm done with the design - I'd hoped that would be today, but it probably won't, since I've come to the conclusion I'm going to have to redo some textures to get the look I want (and that can take a little time).

I've also been working on the boss battle this week, and I'm pretty much done with it. I've been going back and adding a few flourishes to it, but I've also been doing a lot of testing - mostly with an eye toward gauging performance. You can't have challenging action sequences if the game lags! Now, I know some of you might say "But Proxxie, RPG Maker isn't the engine to use for that sort of thing. It's meant for games where you talk to people a lot and have turn-based battles." To which I would say "Oh yeah? Well... hey, look, a squirrel!"

Seriously, though, I am interested in getting a handle on y'all's experience as far as performance goes. I'm not sure the best way to do that - a Patreon poll isn't really sufficient. I don't just want to know if the game seems laggy - if it does seem laggy to you, I'd like to know more about your hardware, so I can see if maybe there's a common bottleneck, so maybe I could try to optimize around that. I might try setting up a survey. Does anyone know a good service to use? Surveymonkey?

I've held off on updating RMMV's engine for fear it would break something (I now understand why a lot of businesses run ancient versions of Windows). I might try updating to the new version, though. It uses a much newer version of nw.js (basically a glorified version of Chromium), which supposedly has better performance. I think it also has support for ES6, the latest version of JavaScript. This is probably a good thing, since I've been writing far more actual code than I normally do as I've been developing this dungeon.

Anyway, I should have a pic featuring Val out soon. My goal for this coming week is to get a good bit of the H-scenes done, so they can be baking while I work on the rest of the stuff.

Thank you guys so much for your support!



"omake" I refuse to understand your weeb terms! >:(


Oh, and I'm using an Acer Aspire ES 15 with a quad core AMD A4-7210 (1.8 GHz) with AMD Radeon R3 graphics card and 8 GB DDR3 L memory card - to give you an idea about my specs.


Proxxie you have done a lot of work. Yes upgrading to a new engine comes with uncertainty. I have a suggestion of a way of upgrading without breaking the game until you are sure the upgrade is stable. If you have another computer with a comparable graphics card, you could put the new engine on it and port the game over for testing. That is how a medium business would handle an upgrade through redundancy. I know this might not be feasible but if it is, it is the safest way.

Dark Rooster

Oh and I do not have any problems with lag, but my machine is pretty top end. I only mention what would seem obvious because it helps let you know that any lag is likely PC performance related and not something else. Keep up the great work m8.