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My goal since I finished up my experiments with new rendering and postwork techniques was to finish up the boss battle. I diligently got to work on it, figuring I'd start out with implementing the threat plugin I'd referred to a time or two. To recap, I want to give The Proteus Effect WoW-like combat, involving meaningful tanking and aggro management. This game isn't really combat-centric, but I want the combat that is there to be interesting, fun, and maybe a little challenging!

On trying to implement this threat plugin, I quickly realized it doesn't work. I think it probably did at some point in time, but changes to RMMV's engine probably broke it (it didn't even create the stuff it was supposed to under the hood to make the system work). It took me a while to realize that the problem was the plugin, not my implementation - though it was kinda interesting reading through the code to figure out exactly what it was supposed to do and how it was supposed to do it. I thought about fixing it, but that would be a rather involved project (at least for me), and it didn't do exactly what I wanted anyway, so that didn't seem wise. So I guess I will end up having to write my own threat plugin.

Fear not, though! Yanfly has a Taunt plugin that does work (naturally), and while it isn't ideal, I can do what I want to in 0.6 with it. I'm not sure when I'll end up writing the threat plugin, but I'll be able to get by with the taunt stuff for the time being.

0.6 is kinda shaping up to be 'The Combat Update', so there's something else I wanted to change as well. I've never been a fan of RPG Maker's default enemy battlers (the ones you see in combat), but I wasn't sure what to use to replace them. I think I've decided, though! Ækashics produces some really nifty stuff - and I think I'm going to start using it! His work is very colorful, cartoony, and stylized, and while I don't think it would work for a lot of games, I think it fits pretty well with mine! Some of his stuff is really beautifully animated, too, so expect to see more interesting fight scenes!

As an example, here's the old slimes I was using:

And here's the new ones from Ækashics!

I really like it, but I'm interested to know what you guys think. If I end up switching over, I'll probably end up changing all the enemies in CoC-world over to this new aesthetic (but I won't change the ones in the company's game world - they don't have the budget for better assets!).

Anyway, now that I know what I'll be using in lieu of the threat plugin, I'll get back to work on the dungeon. I also expect I'll get back to designing some of the Bunnies, particularly Val. I might, uh, need her model completed  in case I need to do something with it in 0.6. Y'know. Just in case. ಠ◡ಠ

Anyway, back to it. I hope your day's going well, and thank you very much for the support! :D



Nice I like the change it reminds me of the slimes from older games but more colorful and updated i vote for the change 100%


Very nice! Go for it! :-)


So you end up replacing beautifully detailed slimes with... geometrically simplified blobs? :P


I really don't think the original ones are in any way beautiful. Besides that, though, a lot of Ækashics' stuff is animated, which really makes them feel more alive. I'll eventually incorporate some of his stuff that uses Dragonbones, a honest-to-goodness animation system, and that stuff looks awesome. Also, these slimes are sorta cute.


I was mostly pulling your leg. :) Btw, I had the time to try out the 0.5.1 w/ plug-in and man, that thing is probably even more laggier. Booting up isn't a big deal, but I have to wait a second at a loading screen every time I switch screens, and closing the damn program takes like 30 seconds. Didn't really fix much :/ Then again, I'm using the lowest laptop tech possible so designing to my whims won't be an easy chore :|

Wendy Knightshade

I agree the new style is better than just same ole non moving slime beasts.... let them be animated... lol to bad when they spike up the big spike isn't in the shape of a penis, that would be great! lol


I have to agree that a humorously lewd attack shape would be more in keeping with the tone of your game.


I really like the animated slimes. I'm sure it will feel like an upgrade to the whole system.


My major concern with animations will be for people who have potato computers like I do. The battle system already lags somewhat as it is, which makes me just avoid fights altogether (that and the whole no levels thing). Adding in animations will probably cause the game to stutter frequently during battles.


The animations you see above for the slimes use pretty much the same system the character sprites do, so I doubt it would introduce much (more) lag. I'll test out what Dragonbones does to performance when I get closer to implementing it. It would be useful to know what the bottleneck is in 'potato' computers, though, so I could try to optimize around it.