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It's been a busy week! I'm currently at work on the boss battle prototype; It looks like I'll be able to make my original concept for it work, and I hope to be done with the prototype today. 

I released a pic earlier this week showing the model I'd developed for Tal'thelas (the elf you had to rescue Ana from), and it seems that folks didn't like it too much! I'll take another look at the model in a few days and release some pics showing what, if any, changes I've made. Though the comments were uniformly critical, I'm never sure how representative they are, so I'll probably release a poll as well.

Some of the criticism suggested things I'd already done - for instance, his eyes are considerably smaller than Alex's, but in that picture they look kind of the same size, since Alex's eyes are narrowed in irritation/displeasure. The eyes are also of a different color (sort of); they have the same hue, but different saturation and lightness. I suppose I'll shift the hue as well. The cut of his face is actually fairly masculine, but the long hair obscures that a bit.

I've been thinking a bit about how other heavily stylized designs achieve a sexually dimorphic look. One way is to go with an exaggeratedly masculine look - huge jaw, large cleft chin, etc - and I may do a bit of that for some characters, but I certainly won't with elves. In manga/anime, though (which my style is most heavily influenced by), they don't usually do any of that. It seems to mostly come down to eye size and hairstyle, as well as visual cues from the rest of the character's body (which you can't see very well in the picture I released). Perhaps he simply needs a hairstyle that keeps it pulled back from his face.

I wanted to release what I thought was a visually interesting composition, but perhaps that wasn't the best way to introduce the design. At any rate, you can expect something a bit later in the week.

I'll start creating H-scenes in a few days as well; I'll start with one that doesn't need the male elf design, and perhaps get to the ones that do over the weekend. I also worked out a detailed plan of what events/skits will be in 0.5, so I'll start writing those too.

I also completed my computer rebuild project, and she's a beaut! ...but very large :\ I was going to have the system use the 7700k I already have, but it turns out that the going rate for those on eBay is about 3/4 the price of a new 8700k, so I got the 8700k and will be selling the 7700k. I knew the 8700k had come out, but I'd assumed it was an incremental upgrade, like all the x700k chips that had come out over the past several years. I was wrong though - it increases the number of physical cores by half and is thus a pretty big boost. The system seems to be doing quite well; I've already noticed a 10-15% increase in render speed, and the temps are considerably lower for all components.

Thank you for your support!



I suggested thinner lips and sharper cheekbones, you know! But no, that's apparently destructive cynicism, not constructive criticism. :( I really think that the male elf must be distinct. Graceful feminine, but not female.


I get that folks weren’t being mean. But yeah, it felt like a bit of a dogpile. I’m trying to balance being open to criticism with being true to my own vision and sense of aesthetics. Nothing good ever comes out of a committee. But at the same time, if a large proportion of people think something sucks, there’s a good chance it sucks.


Maybe you should reverse your thinking! Maybe it doesn't suck, but can merely be improved upon! :D


I only suggested the eyes because on my monitor they look almost the same and I thought it was an easy modification to give distinction. As for the face I don't mind it. The dwarfs in the Hobbit could not tell male elves from female ones without closer inspection. ... I had not realized who the elf was. He must be pleased to have an educated general serving him. Hee Hee... All in all don't spend too much time on the elf. I am sure if we see a female elf we will see the difference immediately. ... I do have a question now. Does this elf recognize Ana?


I think you are taking the criticisms given the wrong way Proxxie. If you get your inspiration for art style from anime and manga look at the Josei art style. Josei literally translates roughly to feminine and all characters look distinctly feminine BUT you can still tell them apart which is where we were going with our suggestions. Look into series like Paradise Kiss, Loveless, Nana, Angel Sanctuary. I think series like this will give you the best representation of making a male elf type character in an anime style that will look distinct but feminine.


Proxxie, I liked the elf as it. I think you thought people would just like it out of the box. But I think people projected what they would do and made what was constructive suggestions. At least I and possibly others thought you would take these as suggestions and use the ones you liked the best.


I didn't comment on the picture because I liked it fine, but I'm not very knowledgeable about art/graphics so I can't really provide good commentary beyond I like it. I actually really like the art you have in this game overall.


I'm a little late to the party, missed the email, but I thought it looked great out of the box. It was only after reading all of the comments that I thought maybe the lips could be slightly thinner and the eyes could be a little more distinct, not an entirely different colour, just more distinguishable from Alex's; those are really the only changes I'd make. He fits very well with my image of an elf, and the picture itself was great.


How do I actually get the eggs and milk for the cookies? ._.


You probably need to talk to Druk in the stables. Doing so unlocks the ability to get milk and eggs from the mountain area (where the dragon is).