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As I mentioned before, I am working on developing a look for male humans/elves, and this is my first effort. This one depicts an elf, so he looks a bit more fey than I plan on having humans look, but still, it gives you an idea of where I'm headed with it.

I'm interested to know what you guys think about it!




he looks pretty feminine I've gotta say. I mean...I ain't complaining but yeah you can't really see the classic male jawline here. I honestly don't mind, I enjoy this.


I like it. He exudes beauty, and is pretty representative of a typical elf. Kudos! You can use me as a model for goblins. I'm ugly as sin :)


I like it. I might change the lips and make them thinner. But for an elf good work. How old is he supposed to be. If a bit old could you give him a few forehead wrinkles? After looking at it more carefully may I make the following suggestions. 1) The guys eyes and Alex's are the same color. I would make the guy's eyes different color and shape if it is easy to do. May I suggest hazel, gold or green for the eye colors.... I like the outfit Alex has on. Very nice. She doesn't seem pleased to serve though. BTW is there a default girl's name for Alex? ... Would the elves want Alex to wear makeup? if so a bit of lipstick would look good. ... BTW is there a default girl name for Alex ?

paiden yen

Make him more masculine, straighter edges, less rounded. Nose, lips and jawline especially.


It looks pretty good but he looks more female then male I'd say you need to make the jaw a little more masculine and In my opinion I'd make the ears a little bit longer because he look more like a half elf then a full elf unless the half elf look is what you were going for.


I suppose I should refine my question a bit. I’m particularly interested in whether you think his design is: 1: visually appealing, and 2: consistent in style with the female design This may not be the best picture from which to judge that, but I wanted a pic that had both Alex and Tal in the same shot so you could kinda compare them.


Now that I'm looking at the face once more, I have a small complaint: he looks less like a feminine male, and more like... an ambiguous non-gender binary person? I don't know how to describe it, maybe his face is too circular and needs to be a bit longer and sharper, or maybe the lips need to be thinner? He doesn't exude the "feminine grace of a man", but more of an "awkward virgin girl", if you know what I mean.


Proxxie it does look nice but here are my slight criticisms as you asked 1. I think you are being a little too consistent in the style with the female design if that makes sense, there needs to be a certain level of difference or else it starts looking odd 2. Male characters no matter how feminine (like elves) have much more defined facial bone structures and you should take this into account with cheeks and chins especially. Otherwise it looks good and the direction is promising but will need a few more examples to have more in depth analysis of the designs. Keep up the good work!


More of a boy's name. Can be a nickname for a girl, shirt for Alexandria


Alex (much like Kim, Nicki, Sam etc.) can be a name for both boys and girls. (At least where i'm from.)


I didn't mean to disappoint you. ;( By the way, is that the elf that you meet early on in the cave? The one whose name I cannot pronounce?


Personally, I think you got it right. Anyone else get the urge to punch this character in the face or is it just me?

Wendy Knightshade

Yes feminine in look and lol I know its a minor thing but throws me off him having same eyes as the main character lol so maybe change that to a darker color or something and just maybe square the chin off more for a more male look, but overall good job and think you going in right direction


Well, he is an elf so it's "normal" for him to be feminine, i think, but i find him really similar to Alex, to much similar like a twin brother.


Clearly it's just me. I only mention it because it's such an unusual reaction from me.