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There were a number of critiques of the original model for Tal'thelas, so I went back and made a large number of subtle changes to come up with an alternate one.

Now, this is an elf, so I want him to look somewhat feminine. As I said in the last update, I may create some characters with exaggerated masculine features in the future, but elves will not be among them. At the same time, though, I don't want him to actually look like a girl, or to occupy some uncanny space in between.

I've created a few renders that show off both the original model and the new one. In the pictures below, the first will be the original model and the next the new one:







Omake from last week:



So what do you guys think about the models? Do you like the original or revised more? Do you like neither, or do you like them about the same?

The differences are subtle, so if you really want to get into it, you may need to download the pics and flip between them on full screen (that's what I do). Also, I didn't change the eye color, which I probably will do on the final version. Finally, I didn't do a lot of postwork on them since they're just meant to show off the models, so you may see a couple of visual artifacts.

As an aside, do you guys like seeing in progress/behind the scenes stuff? I'm kinda afraid it will take away "the magic" if you see too much of it, but I can also appreciate that folks might want to see the creative process at work and perhaps have some influence on it. Let me know what you think.

Thank you for your support!



Now that i'm looking at both of the picture, the original and the revised, i notice that he look more young in the original but the revised is more expressive. So my choose go for the revised one even if the original is good too.

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The revised model looks better but still a bit awkward to me. I think the biggest thing that makes him look oddly feminine rather than just androgynous is his smooth, slender nose. I don't know if you can give him a stronger nose (with wider nostrils maybe) but that's what I would try tweaking. His lips also look a bit off to me.. or maybe it's the short distance between his mouth and nose. I dunno, hope this helps in some way.


Now, I'm into girls, don't get me wrong, but the shirtless photo looks awesome as hell, wouldn't want to piss him off. Sad that Alex has done just that... I really like your art style, but it's making me like Tal now, he doesn't look evil, he looks like he could be a protagonist. They look very similar to me, blowing them up the only thing I was able to tell was that the revised one had eyebrow changes, overall they're both good, so go with whichever ends up with more I guess, I'm going for option 3.


I like the revised one it has a touch more masculinity without going overboard just enough to say "I'm a male" though he still looks more like a half-elf then a full elf but I like it i wouldn't change a thing imo.


I thought the original one looked good, and i think the revised also looks good. I can't say one is better than the other, but i can say i'm looking forward to the next release.


I like the revised one. The subtle change give him a hint of masculinity without taking away from his femininity. And that profile... could Tal...-whatever be our new companion? :O And if I was Alex, I would definitely shag his shirtless self. No homo! P.S. I enjoy the behind-the-scenes. They actually create the magic for me and makes me feel very engaged with the game.


You know, I just realized, this is probably the placebo effect speaking to me, and Proxxie simply uploaded the two same images in an original and "revised" format. Nice try, Proxxie-boy, I'm onto you!


I kind of do, but if you were to tell me a particular feature that is different, I wouldn't be able to tell you myself. I'm pretty sure his nose got a bit thinner though.


I do agree it might be a placebo effect, not that the pictures aren't different, just the differences I noticed are because I was told they are different and so I was looking for something. However I do think the second set of pictures are a tiny bit more angular, less soft/rounded. At least that is my impression the difference is small though.


It takes a bit of looking, and the difference is subtle...but once you know it's there... The revised male models have the eyes moved a little closer together. And to me, that makes all the difference. :)


incredible progress! a job well done, proxxie. keep in mind that everything looks great so far, but if more input is required to further improve the model (according to player opinion), then i have 2.5 more subtle adjustments that could help improve masculinity without sacrificing too much femininity. 1) larger/wider jawline. it looks great as it is, but it is looks smaller than what is easily identifiable for an adult male elf. a smooth jawline is fine, and demonstrates the biased feminine appearances elves have, but the size of his jaw seems more childlike currently. a little bit wider and perhaps more defined would show that he is a powerful male. stunningly beautiful, but still masculine (for an elf). 2) slightly larger, more defined nose bridge. same reason as above: his nose looks more like a child's nose, and less like a man's. arguably a nose can come in many different shapes and sizes at any age, so i'm now so sure how important this could be, but messing around with it could make the nose present a more masculine appearance overall. the nose doesn't really need to change shape, but it looks a little too weak at the moment, imo. 2.5) perhaps mouth being wider (along with wider jaw) and lips very slightly thinned. p.s. these are exactly the kinds of posts that make development so fun. they are hard work, but alpha/beta testing things makes the final result so much more valuable. p.p.s. the larger hands really help to make the male model feel more masculine too.


Still don't see it but it's not a big deal. As long as everyone else is happy I'll just go along with it.


Edit: Most of the things you’re objecting to relate to stylistic decisions that I quite deliberately made. The females look like anime characters, and I want male elves to look like bishi anime characters.


It's much easier to see the differences if you flip directly between them in fullscreen. There isn't one huge difference, though, just a lot of small ones.


Tried it. I think I see what you've done but I might just have an active imagination.


That subtle revision has a huge impact, and I like it. Perhaps the lips could be a smidgen less full.


oh no. i'm not objecting to your style, i'm just offering opinion. honestly i don't know what you're after. whatever you decide to do is fine with me, but i am trying to help by adding more info. p.s. the changes i am suggesting are not me taking a shot at your ability; when i think of male elf villain, i think of kael'thas sunstrider from world of warcraft, so i compare tal'thelas to him.


I am more interested in the game than the actual pictures since he now have that educasted general serving him in such a submissive outfit.