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Yeah, I have. On the weekend I had some heavy emotions come up. Emotions that I thought I had worked through but they came flooding back and knocked me off my feet.

I was suddenly believing things that I knew weren't true, things that I had spent countless hours of therapy speaking about. 

The mind is a powerful place and with one swift walk down memory lane, you can lose years of self-work.

I found myself believing that I wasn't liked, that I wasn't worthy. That I didn't deserve to be here and or have the life that I did.

I was convinced that I wasn't worth having as a friend.

But I knew in that moment as these thoughts consumed me, I had 2 choices. 

I could let them take me and give in to the darkness which would be the easiest, most simple option. OR I could question these beliefs. Find the evidence to back it up and the proof that I am not worthy. 

With resistance, I opted for #2. I began searching for the evidence and came back empty handed. I realised it was a choice... It's always a choice. 

And I chose to keep fighting. 



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